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1.The reason (why he was absent) is( that his car broke down on the road.)

why he was absent ←這句是修飾the reason的形容詞子句嗎?
that his car broke down on the road←這句是the reason的同位語嗎?還是補語??

2.The question (whether he achieved his goal) is very hard to answer.
The question whether he achieved his goal ←這句是當the question的同位語還是當

2006-07-23 13:03:09 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Jacky 3 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

1.why he was absent 是關係副詞所引導的形容詞子句,用來修飾 The reason。
 that his car broke down on the road 是作為 the reason 的主詞補語。
He himself told me that his brother John is a world-famous doctor.
(himself 和 John 都是單一的字作同位語,與其同位成分之間不用逗點隔開)
Do you think him a good writer?
a good writer是受詞補語,補充說明受詞 him 的意義。
2. whether he achieved his goal 是用來修飾 The question 的形容詞子句。
Ex1.We are students.
Ex2.It is getting dark.
dark是主詞補語,與聯繫動詞is getting連用。
Ex1.He is called David.
David是主詞補語,與is called連用。
Ex1. We just heard the news (that our school won the baseball game).
此處的名詞子句(that S+V)就是 the news 的同位語。

2006-07-23 13:58:50 · answer #1 · answered by ╰★情殤★╮ 5 · 0 0

1.The reason (why he was absent) is( that his car broke down on the road.)

why he was absent ←這句確實是修飾the reason的形容詞子句
而that his car broke down on the road←這句是名詞子句, 作主詞the reason的補語,所以稱為主詞補語.

2.The question (whether he achieved his goal) is very hard to answer.

The question whether he achieved his goal ←這句是當the question的形容詞子句, 形容"the question"

會用到同位語的基本上是主詞或受詞, 而同位語的功能是在補充說明主詞或受詞的身分等, 因為主詞或受詞都是名詞或代名詞, 所以同位語也都是名詞, (一般不會是子句型態), 但同位語後可能又接了形容詞子句, 例如--

Tim and John, two good students who live in the suburbs, have been chosen by the school to participate in the contest.
two good students 就是主詞"Tim and John"的補語, 此補語則又有who live in the suburbs 的形詞子句

The school has picked Tim and John, two good students who live in the suburbs, to participate in the contest.
two good students 就是受詞"Tim and John"的補語, 此補語則又有who live in the suburbs 的形詞子句

2006-07-26 16:13:09 補充:
這是Longman字典(www.longman.com)解釋"同位格"(apposition)所舉的例子:For example, in the sentence 'The defendant, a woman of thirty, denies kicking the policeman' the two phrases 'the defendant' and 'a woman of thirty' are in apposition.

2006-07-26 16:16:44 補充:
另這是Meriamwebster字典(www.meriamwebster.com)解釋的"同位格":a grammatical construction in which two usually adjacent nouns having the same referent stand in the same syntactical relation to the rest of a sentence (as the "poet" and "Burns" in "a biography of the poet Burns")

2006-07-23 13:44:20 · answer #2 · answered by C L 7 · 0 0

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