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請問可否幫忙翻譯 財經英文 中的\"匯差\"英文單字為何
可以幫我嗎 (急件)

2006-07-15 07:20:41 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

一樓的回答者,很抱歉,必須指出來:用翻譯軟體翻出來的答案,根本是(聚在一塊兒)的意思,與貨幣之間的匯兌完全無關,完全不是「匯差」的英文,請勿誤導。匯差 = exchange-rate difference(s)  或者不必中間的"-"直接寫 exchange rate difference(s)。如果要完整一點,要強調外幣匯差,就是 foreign exchange rate differences。請見新聞英文實例:金融風暴、大環境不景氣,泰國台商多數都還能咬牙度過難關,以外銷為主的企業,甚至因此賺了一筆匯差。Most Taiwanese businesses in Thailand stood tall during the financial crisis and economic recession. Export companies even succeeded in turning a profit by playing on exchange-rate differences. (http://lib.fg.tp.edu.tw/sinorama/2001/11%E6%9C%88/%E8%B5%B0%E9%81%8E%E9%A2%A8%E6%9A%B4%E2%94%80%E2%94%80%E6%B3%B0%E5%9C%8B%E5%8F%B0%E5%95%86%E5%A0%85%E5%AE%9A%E4%B8%8D%E7%A7%BB.htm)請見英文實例:這位教授在講解美金與孟加拉貨幣的匯差Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharyya Explains Exchange Rate Differences Between Taka and DollarBy Amir Khasru Dhaka31-August-2004Audio: Dr. Debapriya explains taka exchange rate differences 
There is a difference in exchange rate between market rate and bank rate for Taka and Dollar. Executive Director of Dhaka's Center for Policy dialogues, economist Dr. Debapriya Bhattacharyya explains why it occurs. (更多例子:The Foreign Exchange Table You can then, as you first year transaction, transfer this difference on your 'Exchange rate differences' account, so that the new created account ... With this exchange rate you have then to calculate the exchange rate differences. ...www.banana.ch/banana4/eng/lessons/lesson_4030.html - 12k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁TPG 2004 annual report and Form 20F Exchange rate differences are included in the statements of income under interest and similar income or interest and similar ... The resulting exchange rate differences are added to or charged against the cumulative translation reserve, ...group.tnt.com/annualreports/annualreport04/annual_report_form_20f_2004/chapter12-05.html - 14k - 頁庫存檔 - 類似網頁

2006-07-20 01:18:14 補充:

2006-07-15 09:47:15 · answer #1 · answered by YLJ 7 · 0 0

”匯差”如果是指匯款之後所產生的價差,則可用:"remittance spread" or "spread of remittance", remittance 指匯款,spread 指價差。
”匯差”如果是指各國匯率之間差值,則可用: the difference of exchange rates.

謹供參考 from Naughty and Modest Henry...

2006-07-15 09:49:09 · answer #2 · answered by Henry周博博 5 · 0 0

remittance spread
spread of remittance

2006-07-15 09:29:49 · answer #3 · answered by C L 7 · 0 0

Gather together difference

2006-07-15 11:37:12 補充:

2006-07-15 07:36:39 · answer #4 · answered by 飆豬先生 4 · 0 0

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