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之前有學過rather than,但因為一時找不到以前的講義,

【1。】rather than 的詞性?用法?

【2。】rather than 與 instead of 差別?

【3。】rather than置於句首時,


2006-07-14 10:44:45 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 ? 5 in 社會與文化 語言

那rather than 至於句首時,後面動詞要Vr還是Ving

2006-07-15 12:05:02 · update #1

可是rather than的詞性是什麼?

而且老師也說,Rather than 擺句首時,若後面要加動詞,

2006-07-15 17:14:08 · update #2

4 個解答

一、 instead of... 因為此 of 是介詞,所以後面只能加名詞或動名詞。
二、 ...rather than... 此片語是對等性的複合字之一,所以接的要與前者比較的呈一致的形態,所以之所以並不是一定要接原形動詞或一定是要接名詞。

*寧願 [前者] {也不要 [後者]} ※大括號裡的可以不要表達出來
would V1 rather than V2
=would rather/sooner V1 {than V2}
=would (just) as soon V1 {as V2}

*寧願 [前者] 也不要 [後者] ﹔較喜歡 [前者] 勝於 [後者]
☞prefer 此動詞可接不定詞或名詞~
1.若接 [不定詞] 則後面要用“rather than (to) V.”或“instead of V-ing”的形式。
2.若接 [名詞或動名詞] 則後面就要跟著用“N./V-ing”且要用以介詞"to"來連接。
1. prefer [to V1] rather than [(to) V2] →此片語的 rather than可只用 than 代替
 =prefer [to V1] instead of [V2-ing]
2. prefer [N./V-ing] to [N./V-ing]

prefer sb. to V.
(注意,有一類的動詞不能直接接"人",如「拒絕某人...」是 refuse to let sb. V.,不是 refuse sb. to V.)

as... as... 「...和...一樣」
both... and... 「...和...都、既...又...」
not only/merely/just... but (also)... 「不僅...還有...」
either... or... 「若不是...就是...」
neither... nor... 「...和...都不、既不...也不...」

anything but + [N./adj.] 絕非...
nothing/none but + [N.] 只有... 只不過是...

enjoy nothing but V-ing 只喜歡做... (noting but 只是加進去的副詞)
want nothing but to V. 只想做... (noting but 只是加進去的副詞)

do nothing but V. 只做... (固定片語,此片語的 but 後面只能用"動詞原形")
can only V. 只能做... (only 只是加進去的副詞)

can't (help/choose) but V. 不得不做...
=can't help/stop V-ing
=have no choice/option/alternative but to V.

2006-07-25 20:10:28 補充:
抱歉,之前所說的“rather than (to) V.”裡的"to"請不要加上去,因為文法上的"bare infinitive"已經是指〝 to 去掉之後的不定詞〞(形態同V.)了。

2006-07-25 20:19:13 補充:
rather than 此可以作為連接詞片語或介詞片語,若作為介詞片語則意義與用法皆同於 instead of。至於你最後的問題,我是看了 http://www.bartleby.com/64/pages/page56.html 才知道。*如果 rather than 擺在"主要動詞"的前面的話,那麼 rather than 若要接動詞則只能用"V-ing"。(不過主要動詞若是"原形",則 rather than 接的動詞可以使用"V."。)例: Rather than loving/love you, I hate you.→hate 是主要動詞。

2006-07-25 20:52:08 補充:
no more [adj./adv.] than--- 和---一樣不[adj./adv.]
not more [adj./adv.] than---=less [adj./adv.] than--- 不比---(更)[adj./adv.]、不如---[adj./adv.]
no less [adj./adv.] than--- 和---一樣[adj./adv.]
not less [adj./adv.] than--- 至少和---一樣[adj./adv.]

2006-07-25 20:52:34 補充:
no/not more than... 不多於...
no/not less than... 不少於...
nothing more than... 只不過是...
nothing less than... 不僅是...
other than... 除了...之外
none other than... 正是...
more than... 而較不是... 多於...、超過... 不僅是...

more than 非常、頗

2006-07-14 13:34:57 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

按照順序: 先講解 rather 這個單字, 再講其他搭配的使用方法!!!
每個用法都舉了些例句給你, 相信可以更清楚明瞭!!
注意有打 * 的那一句, rather than 後面是加原形動詞的哦!!!
(灰常重要的啦! 空中英語沒有蓋你哦~~~~)

rather (adv.) 副詞

1. rather
頗......, 相當程度上的.....(補強形容詞、動詞、名詞片語、副詞等)
ex. It was a rather nice day. 那天的天氣相當不錯。
I was rather hoping that you'd be free on Friday. 我很希望你是星期五有空。
It was rather a nice day. 那天的天氣相當不錯。
Please dress rather formally. 服裝要比較正式。

2. or rather
ex. She lives in London, or rather she lives in a suburb of London.
她住在倫敦, 更確切的說, 是倫敦郊區。
He is very brave, or rather very bold.
他很勇敢, 或者說是很大膽。

3. rather than (= instead of , in place of)
ex. I think I'll just have a sandwich rather than a full meal.
我想我只要一份三明治, 不要全餐。
She prefers to wash her clothes by hands rather than by machine.
她喜歡用手洗衣服, 而不願用機器洗。

4. would rather......(than)
ex. I'd rather go to the cinema than watch television.
與其看電視, 我寧願去看電影。
I'd rather be a dancer than a singer.
If it was up to me, I'd rather phone him now.
如果由我決定, 我寧願現在就打電話給他。

* Rather than stay at home, I'd prefer having a holiday in the countryside.
與其待在家裡, 我寧願去鄉村度假。

6. instead ( of sb / sth / doing sth)
代替; 不.....而.......
ex. I couldn't go so my husband went instead.
我去不了, 所以我先生代我去。
I imagine I'll do some work instead of going to the movies.
Instead of 7:30, could I come at 8:00?
我七點半不來, 八點行嗎?


2006-07-14 11:53:55 · answer #2 · answered by LEDPRO 5 · 1 0


1. You are smart, you should be going to school "rather than" staying at home all day.
你很聰明, 你應該去上學"而不是"天天待在家.

2. In this recipe, you should add sugar "instead of" salt.
在這個食譜裡, 你應該加糖"而不是"鹽.

"rather than" 主要的意思是 "而不是"
"instead of" 的意思也是"而不是" 不過可以針對物體(objects)使用,"代替,換東西"

3. I ordered chicken "instead of" fish.

在句子1裡, 使用兩者都可以. 不過2跟3比較適合用"instead of"因為是在代換東西. 句子2,3也可以用"rather than" 只是沒那麼順.

至於文法方面, 希望有人能幫您回答.. 外國人不懂英文文法@@

2006-07-14 12:01:35 · answer #3 · answered by KraftDinner 4 · 0 0

我想你也許搞混了 rather than 跟 would rather...(than)...
1. rather than當介系詞片語相當instead of 之意兩者都接“名詞性質“的詞或片語
差別在rather than較含有個人心態上的喜好而instead of本身沒表達喜惡
ex. I think I'll have a sandwich rather than a full meal.
My company gave me a new uniform instead of my old one because they lost it.
2. would rather...than...則前後皆用VR

2006-07-14 11:56:07 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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