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1.By 1871,the first professional baseball league had been started and the first step ______ on the road to today\'s highly paid professionals.

A.had taken B.took C.were taken D.taken

2.In fact,many Americans who have watched baseball in Taiwan or Japan say that fans there are so much more enthusiastic than_______i the US.

A.them B.ones C.those D that

3.Both have four bases and the basic aim of the game is for the batter to hit the ball______that he or she can run around all four bases and score a home run.

A.so fast B.very fast C.so far D.very far
4.the game is played by two teams,five players on each,on a court


2006-07-10 13:52:41 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 5566 2 in 社會與文化 語言

我想要以上四個句子的中文,還有4.The game is played by two teams,five players on each,on a court.這個句形是什麼句型,沒有連接詞卻有兩個逗點,我也不知道這個句子在講什麼。謝謝

2006-07-10 17:15:05 · update #1

1.By 1871,the first professional baseball league had been started and the first step ______ on the road to today's highly paid professionals.你這一句跟我解釋的意思是因為had been started這是個過去完成式,所以後面要用過去式ㄇ

2006-07-10 17:18:42 · update #2


2006-07-11 04:41:49 · update #3

2 個解答

1.By 1871,the first professional baseball league had been started and the first step ______ on the road to today's highly paid professionals.在1871年以前,第一個專業的棒球聯盟已經開始﹙被啟用﹚,而培養出﹙朝向﹚今日高薪的職業選手的第一步已經踏出。A.had taken B.took C.were taken D.takentake steps 踏出腳步;採取行動→所以step若當主詞,應該用被動式2.In fact,many Americans who have watched baseball in Taiwan or Japan say that fans there are so much more enthusiastic than_______i the US.事實上,很多看過台灣或日本的棒球賽的美國人都說,那裡的球迷比美國的球迷還要激動﹙熱切;熱情﹚。A.them B.ones C.those D that這裡those相當於those fans。為避免重複,用those可使句子更簡潔清楚。如果重複的人/事/物是單數,則用that。The weather in Benjin is colder than that in Taipei.3.Both have four bases and the basic aim of the game is for the batter to hit the ball______that he or she can run around all four bases and score a home run.雙方有四個壘﹙←此句我不甚懂, sorry﹚,比賽最基本的目標就是,打擊手要把球打得夠遠,這樣他﹙或她﹚才能繞著四個壘跑一圈而全壘打得分。A.so fast B.very fast C.so far D.very far全壘打,要夠遠,所以選so far that + 子句     (如此遠,以致於...)4.the game is played by two teams,five players on each,on a court為什麼地4個句子有兩個逗號不用連接詞嗎??這個句子的five players on each算是個插入語(可當同位語),前後只要以逗點隔開即可﹙但逗點應緊接著前面的單字,而與後面的單字之間有一字母間隔﹚。The game is played by two teams, five players on each, on a court.There are two teams, five players on each, on the court. = There are two teams on the court, and each of them has five players.There is a team, five players on it, on the court. = There is a team on the court, and the team has five players.  

2006-07-10 22:09:43 補充:

2006-07-11 13:59:29 補充:
1.答案如果是B…我就不知道為什麼。我覺得若原句改成... started and ___ the first step...,則可能也可以﹙只是and前面是過去完成式、後面是過去式﹚。

2006-07-10 17:58:25 · answer #1 · answered by 杰暘 5 · 0 0

1) B
2) C
3) C
4) ...我不太懂你要問什麼,加意見我就幫你解答.

1) 答案是A, 因為前面的句子有用had, 所以是had taken (過去完成)
2) C, 因為 those 是那些的,而them 是那些人,that 是講物品
3) C, 因為妳打棒球應該是打的遠,而不是打的快吧?所以一定是C 或 D. C的差別是他用的是 "so". so 的意思就像中文的 "連"的意思. (她打的那麼遠,連游擊手都接不到). 所以是so
4) 重打之後我幫你囉~

2006-07-12 20:51:18 補充:

2006-07-10 15:39:57 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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