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2006-07-07 06:59:14 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 青蛙 呱呱 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

Fog* *霧*
THE fog comes 霧踏著
on little cat feet. 小貓腳步而來。
It sits looking 靜靜蹲坐
over harbor and city 細細俯視
on silent haunches 海港和城市
and then moves on. 然後再起行。

*Theme in Yellow* *黃調子*
I SPOT the hills 我在秋天
With yellow balls in autumn.; 點綴山岡以黃色的球
I light the prairie cornfields 我把原野之中的玉米田
Orange and tawny gold clusters 亮起團團橘紅棕金
And I am called pumpkins. 而我就叫南瓜。
On the last of October 在十月之末
When dusk is fallen 當暮色已降
Children join hands 小孩拉起手
And circle around me 圍圈繞著我
Singing ghost songs 向著秋收的月亮
And love to the harvest moon; 唱起鬼歌和愛;
I am a jack-o'-lantern 我是南瓜燈
With terrible teeth 張著猙獰牙
And the chrildren know 但孩子們知道
I am fooling. 我嚇唬著玩

以上兩首詩是卡爾‧桑德堡(Carl Sandburg)(1878-1967)之作。他是美國的詩人,出身瑞典移民勞工家庭,寫詩以美國為題材,以大眾口語寫大眾生活。

Robert Francis 富蘭西斯(1901- )
*The Hound* *獵犬*
Life the hound 人生這獵犬
Equivocal 捉摸不定
Comes at a bound 縱身一躍
Either to rend me 或來噬我
Or to befriend me. 或來友我。
I cannot tell 我不知道
The hound's intent 犬的意圖
Till he has sprung 要看他跳
At my bare hand 到我手邊
With teeth or tongue. 齜牙或伸舌。
Meanwhile I stand 而我站著
And wait the event. 靜待其來。

Emily Dickinson 狄瑾蓀(1830-1886)
*Success Is Counted Sweetest* *成功的滋味何其甜*
Success Is Counted Sweetest 成功的滋味何其甜
By those who ne'er succeed. 失敗者最欣羨。
To comprehend a nectar 要領會瓊漿玉液
Repuires sorest need. 須是口渴已極
Not one of all the purple host 看那壯盛的隊伍
Who took the flag today 今日得勝拔旗,
Can tell the definition, 卻無一人能清楚
So clear, of victory, 說出勝利的真諦,
As he, defeated, dying, 不如那垂死的敗將:
On whose forbidden ear 他受制的耳裏
The distant strains of triumph 聽到遠處的凱歌
Break, agonized and clear! 奏,痛苦而清晰。

Emily Dickinson 狄瑾蓀(1830-1886)
*I am Nobody * *我是小人物*
I am nobody, who are you? 我是小人物,你是誰?
Are you nobody too? 你也是小人物嗎?
Then there's a pair of us. 那我們不就是一對了!
Don't tell—they'd banish us, you know. 不要張揚—你知道,他們會趕走我們的。
How dreary to be somebody, 當個大人物多麼的無趣,
How public—like a frog— 就像隻青蛙—在漫長六月—
To tell one's name the livelong June 公開地向讚揚牠的沼澤
To an admiring bog. 宣揚牠的大名。

2006-07-07 07:09:48 · answer #1 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

the Grizzly Bear is huge and wild;
he has devoured the infant child.
the infant child is not aware,
it has been eaten by the bear.

tiger,tiger burning bright,
in the forests of the night.
what immortal hand or eye,
could frame thy fearful symmetry.

there was a young man who sent e-mails,
to various,dubious females.
when asked what they said,
he just shook his head,
“I'd rather not go into details”.

oh,give me a home,
where the buffalo roam,
and the deer and the antelope play.
where never is heard,
a discouraging word,
and the sky is not couldy all day.

2006-07-07 08:55:36 · answer #2 · answered by 蝦位先 6 · 0 0

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