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2.Regarding the transaction properties of database management,which statement is true?
A)Atomicity is treated as multiple units of operation
B)Concurrency con troll allows single transactions to read and update data simultaneously
C)Commit processing allows commitment of transaction changes if it exeutes properly.
D)Isolation assures that transactions can access data that is being updated

9.Which of following is not a type of search tools?
B)computer created
D)mass search

10.The lists of programs waiting to be processed are in
D)page frames

11.Which statement about pointers is false.
A)They can be defined to point to objects of any data type
B)The indirection operator distributes to all comma-separated variable names in a definition
C)The letters ptr in a pointer Variable name are optional
D)A pointer may be initialized to 0 NULL or an address.

14.Distributed processing is the method of computer processing work in which tasks
A)are accumulated and stored until a specified time when it is convenient or necessary to process them as agroup
B)are processed among multiple computers linked by communications network
C)are entered directly into the computer system and processed immediately
D)are accomplished by one large central computer

20 Personalization filtering helps business to provide their customers with a
personalized offering of products and services in which
A ) adaptive filtering needs terms or key words to Provide preferences
B) profile filtering is a rnethod of placing a customer into affinity group people with the same features
C ) psychographic filtering is to anticipate to a customers \' preferences based on the answers To a questionnaire ,
D)collaborative filtering asks for rating products and monitoring actions over time to find out what you llke and dislike , ,


2006-07-06 10:19:57 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

2. 關於資料庫管理中交易的特性,下列何者為真?A) "單元性"是將一個動作分成數個單位B) 同步化控制允許單一交易同時對資料進行讀取及變更的動作C) 確認處理允許交易改變的認可,當這項改變被適當地執行D) 隔絕性保證任一交易都能存取正在被變更的資料9. 下列哪一項不屬於搜尋工具的一種?A) 經由人類編組而來的B) 電腦創造的C) 混合的D) 全域搜尋10. 在等待被執行的程式是位於A) 佇列中B) 核心外的殼中C) 表單中D) 頁面框架中11. 哪一個對指標的陳述是錯的?A) 指標可以被定義指向屬於任何資料型態的物件B) 在一個定義中,間接運算子分配在所有由逗號分隔的變數名稱間C) 在一個指標變數中,ptr 這個字是選擇性的可有可無D) 一個指標的起始值可為 0、NULL或是個位址14. 分散式運算是電腦處理工作的一種方式,而這些工作A) 會被累積及儲存到一定的時間,當時間適當時或必須要執行時,它們才會編成組來被執行B) 會被數台經由網路連接的電腦執行之C) 會直接進入電腦系統中,並被立即處理D) 會被一台大型中央電腦完成之20. "個人化過濾"可以幫助企業對客戶提供個人化的產品及服務,而在"個人化過濾"中,A) 配合性過濾需要一些術語或關鍵字來提供個人偏好B) 分組過濾的方法是將客戶放在與其具有相同特點的近似組別中C) 性格特點描記過濾法是根據客戶所做的問卷來預測他的偏好D) 合作性過濾是要求客戶對產品評分,再觀察一段時間內他的行為來找出他所喜歡的和不喜歡的

2006-07-06 23:36:32 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

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