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1.While this is true in part, it doesn\'t take into account the fact that most of the arable farmland in poor countries is controlled by a powerful few.
2.If the help came in the form of debt relief instead of famine relief, poor countries would be better off.
3.When Yankees pitching coach Ron Guidry told starter Chien Ming-Wang that he was done after seven innings, the soft-spoken Wang protested a bit.
4.Even more impressively , he pitched like the last game never happened , leading the Yankees to a 6-5victory on Friday night.
5.You don\'t like to put that on any kid with the limited experience he has.But the way he\'s pitched, you just feel that way.

2006-07-05 19:01:03 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Agnes 2 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

1. While this is true in part, it doesn't take into account the fact that most of the arable farmland in poor countries is controlled by a powerful few.
雖然這有部分是真實的, 不被考慮到的事實是大部分貧窮國家的適於耕種的農地是被少數有權利的人控制著.

2. If the help came in the form of debt relief instead of famine relief, poor countries would be better off.
如果幫助是從負債減免作為替代饑荒減免, 貧窮國家會景況較佳.

3.When Yankees pitching coach Ron Guidry told starter Chien Ming-Wang that he was done after seven innings, the soft-spoken Wang protested a bit.
當先發投手王建民在他投了七局之後被洋基隊投手教練Ron Guidry換下後, 個性溫和的他有稍做抗議.

4.Even more impressively, he pitched like the last game never happened , leading the Yankees to a 6-5victory on Friday night.
更印像深刻的是, 他盡力投球像是他在投最後一場球, 以6比5帶領著洋基隊贏得星期五晚上的勝利.

5.You don't like to put that on any kid with the limited experience he has.But the way he's pitched, you just feel that way.
一般人不會讓經驗不足的小孩子擔此重任. 但看他投球的樣子, 你就知道他沒問題.

2006-07-06 03:00:57 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.While this is true in part, it doesn't take into account the fact that most of the arable farmland in poor countries is controlled by a powerful few.雖然有部分是真的,但在一些貧窮的國家裡,大部分適合耕種的土地被操控在少數有權力的人士手中,這個現象卻沒有被列入考量。2.If the help came in the form of debt relief instead of famine relief, poor countries would be better off.如果這些援助是用於減少政府舉的債,而不是在救濟饑荒的話,這些貧窮國家的情況應會改善更多。3.When Yankees pitching coach Ron Guidry told starter Chien Ming-Wang that he was done after seven innings, the soft-spoken Wang protested a bit.當洋基的投手教練 Ron Guidry 叫王建明在投完七局後下場休息,平時脾氣溫和的他也稍稍地抱怨了一下。4.Even more impressively , he pitched like the last game never happened , leading the Yankees to a 6-5victory on Friday night.更讓人留下深刻印象的是,他就猶如這將是他最後一場比賽般奮力地投球,也就因為如此在星期五晚上的比賽他帶領著洋基以 6 比 5 的分數獲勝。(好想翻成"用他的生命力在投球",可是怕遜掉了)5.You don't like to put that on any kid with the limited experience he has.But the way he's pitched, you just feel that way. 你不會想把那麼重的責任放在任何沒什麼經驗的孩子身上,但在看過他投的球後,你會覺得他一定行。

2006-07-06 07:33:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

1. While this is true in part, it doesn't take into account the fact that most of the arable farmland in poor countries is controlled by a powerful few.
2. If the help came in the form of debt relief instead of famine relief, poor countries would be better off.
如果援助是以負債減輕(金錢援助)的方式而非饑荒減輕(食物援助)為之, 貧窮國家將能更受惠
3.When Yankees pitching coach Ron Guidry told starter Chien Ming-Wang that he was done after seven innings, the soft-spoken Wang protested a bit.
當先發投手王建民在投完七局後被洋基隊投手教練Ron Guidry告知要下場時,向來說話溫和的他也頗有微詞
4.Even more impressively, he pitched like the last game never happened , leading the Yankees to a 6-5victory on Friday night.
5.You don't like to put that on any kid with the limited experience he has.But the way he's pitched, you just feel that way.

2006-07-06 05:23:43 · answer #3 · answered by 霞飛 7 · 0 0

這是真實的一部分的1.While, 它不考慮到大多數可耕的農田在窮國由強有力控制少數的事實。幫助來以債務減免的形式代替飢荒安心的
2.If, 窮國更好關閉。3.When 美國人Ron Guidry 告訴起始者Chien Ming Wang 的投球教練他做了在七局以後, 說話溫和的Wang 抗議了位元。4.Even 更加印象深刻, 他投了像最後比賽從未發生了, 帶領美國人6-5victory 在星期五夜。5.You 不喜歡投入那在任何孩子以有限的經驗他has.But 他被投的方式, 您方式的正義感受。

2006-07-05 19:49:32 · answer #4 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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