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2006-07-01 11:26:19 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 小梨子 1 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

Pocahontas 傳奇的一生在美國是家喻戶曉的故事,迪士尼將這位印第安公主的故事搬上銀幕,敘述她救了來到新大陸探險的英國上尉 John Smith ,並且化解了一場異族間的戰爭。本片強調與自然界的融合以及族群間的尊重,結局也一改迪士尼過去快樂團圓的傳統,Pocahontas 選擇了留在家鄉帶領族人,John Smith 則受傷返回英國,留下了一個令人難以釋懷的缺憾。本片當初的首映會是在紐約中央公園舉辦,在露天的大廣場上,近十萬人圍著八部放映機投射在八層樓高的大螢幕上,場面浩浩蕩蕩,實在是空前的創舉,這也是到目前為止規模最大的一場戶外電影首映會。另外本片在1998年在美國ABC電視頻道首播時,還將一段原本從電影中刪掉的歌曲情節“If I Never Knew You”又加了回來,成為更完整的版本。

For other uses, see Pocahontas (disambiguation).

A 1616 engraving of Pocahontas by Simon van de Passe, the only portrait of Pocahontas made within her lifetime.
The inscription around the picture reads "MATOAKA ALS REBECCA FILIA POTENTISS: PRINC: POWHATANI IMP: VIRGINIÆ.", which translates as "Matoaka, also known as Rebecca, daughter of the most powerful prince of the Powhatan Empire of Virginia".
The inscription under the portrait reads "Aetatis suae 21 A. 1616", which means "at the age of 21 in the year 1616".Pocahontas (c. 1595 – March 21, 1617) was a Native American woman who married an Englishman, John Rolfe, and became a celebrity in London toward the end of her short life. She was a daughter of Wahunsunacock (also known as Powhatan), who ruled an area encompassing almost all of the neighbouring tribes in the Tidewater region of Virginia (called Tenakomakah at the time). Her formal names were Matoaka and Amonute[1]; 'Pocahontas' was a childhood nickname referring to her frolicsome nature (in the Powhatan language it meant "little wanton", according to William Strachey[2]). When she was baptized, her name was changed to Rebecca.

Pocahontas's life has formed the basis of many legends. Because she never learned to write, everything now known about her was transmitted to later generations by others, so that the thoughts, feelings, and motives of the historical Pocahontas remain largely unknown. Her story became the source of much romantic myth-making in the centuries following her death, including the Disney movie Pocahontas and the recent Terrence Malick film The New World.


2006-07-01 11:39:38 · answer #1 · answered by RenRen 7 · 0 0

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