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因為是外籍老師 她將離台,但我的成績掌握在她手裡,
最近要準備key成績 ..所以請英文高手幫幫我..
盡量全用敬語且謙卑又誠懇的道歉語氣..拜託高手們了~急呀 ><
關於 xx 這門課, 每一堂我都很認真也很努力的完成各項考試.
對於 抄襲電影心得這件事..我真的知道自己做錯,也不敢要求您給我這篇心得分數.
除了心得, 我真得下了很大的努力在 xx 這門課上.
對於心得一事, 雖然我引用了他人 idea .
我的錯誤已造成, 我知道對您來說, 這就是 cheat, no any excuse.
我知道您對我有期許, 但我卻讓您失望了. 讓您對我留下壞印像.
您即將從我們學校退休並遠赴西班牙, 希望這不好的印像不會影響您的心情.

2006-06-24 08:46:00 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

請不要用翻譯軟體翻..謝謝各位了~~~~ >

2006-06-24 09:07:43 · update #1

4 個解答

Dear Teacher Susan,
In your lessons, I devote myself in each meeting and try my best to complete each quiz. I know that I done wrong in copying other's movie report, I dare not to ask you for points. Except for the report, I make great effort in this subject, I didn't mean to copy, I just want some aspirations from them. I know it is meaningless to say so, I know to you "it's cheating, no excuses can be accepted." I realize that you have expectation on me, but I disappointed you, and let you have such awful impression, I feel so sorry and shameful. You are going to be retired and go abroad to Spain, hope what I have done won't let you down, and wish you take good care of yourself in the future.

2006-06-25 07:43:43 · answer #1 · answered by Sugi Huang 5 · 0 0

Susan teacher is good...天哪~

2006-06-24 11:43:51 · answer #2 · answered by Estudiante de español 6 · 0 0

Dr.eye:就是"翻譯"的意思?? 這是一種翻譯軟體好嗎 = =
也就是說 妳是用翻譯軟體翻的,一看就知道了

2006-06-24 09:14:07 · answer #3 · answered by 百萬大學堂 3 · 0 0

Susan老師您好 Dr.eye: Susan teacher is good
關於 xx 這門課, 每一堂我都很認真也很努力的完成各項考試. Dr.eye: About this subject of xx, every completion every examination that I work hard too very conscientiously.
對於 抄襲電影心得這件事..我真的知道自己做錯,也不敢要求您給我這篇心得分數. Dr.eye: As to Plagiarize film gains this.. Dr.eye: I know it is wrong for oneself to make, is it require you give me the gains mark to dare either really.
除了心得, 我真得下了很大的努力在 xx 這門課上. Dr.eye: Except the gains, I must really make very big efforts in this subject of xx.
對於心得一事, 雖然我引用了他人 idea . Dr.eye: To the gains, though I have quoted others' idea.
但並不是一開始就打算抄襲,真的只是想參考他人而求些靈感. Dr.eye: But does not plan to plagiarize at the beginning, really hope to consult others but ask some inspiration.
抄襲真的並非我原本的動機. Dr.eye: It is not really my original motive to plagiarize.
我的錯誤已造成, 我知道對您來說, 這就是 cheat, no any excuse. Dr.eye: My mistake has already caused, I know for you, this is cheat, no any excuse.
我知道您對我有期許, 但我卻讓您失望了. Dr.eye: I know you expect to me, but I have let you down. 讓您對我留下壞印像. Dr.eye: Let you leave and print looking like to me evilly.
我真的感到深深的抱歉且羞愧. Dr.eye: I really feel deep and sorry and ashamed.
您即將從我們學校退休並遠赴西班牙, 希望這不好的印像不會影響您的心情. Dr.eye: You retire and go Spain far from we school soon, hope good seal this as can influence mood of you.
也希望您在他國能一切順心平安. Dr.eye: Hope you can satisfactory and safe everything have in other country too.

2006-06-24 12:53:13 補充:
''Dr.eye:'' 就是 ''翻譯:''的意思!

2006-06-24 08:50:50 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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