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But, though Marxism has had relatively little direct impact on the social sciences as disciplines in the West, it has had enormous influence on states of mind that are closely associated with the social sciences. Especially was this true during the 1930s, the decade of the Great Depression. Today signs are not lacking of a strong revival of interest in Marx that could well, through sheer numbers of its adherents, affect the nature of the social sciences in the years ahead. Socialism remains for many an evocative symbol and creed. Marx remains a formidable name among intellectuals and is still, without any question, the principal intellectual source of radical movements in politics. Such a position cannot help but influence the contexts of even the most abstract of the social sciences.

What Marx\'s ideas have suggested above all else in a positive way is the possibility of a society directed not by blind forces of competition and struggle among economic elements but instead by directed planning. This hope, this image, has proved a dominant one in the 20th century even where the influence of Marx and of Socialism has been at best small and indirect.

2006-06-10 14:32:09 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 藝術與人文 詩詞與文學

2 個解答

與其說馬克思主義在西方作為一門學科對社會科學有直接影響,不如說它深深影響社會科學的心態,特別是在1930年代經濟大恐慌期間. 今日藉由馬克斯的支持者,馬克思現象的熱潮並未減弱,仍影響社會學的本質.社會科學對很多人仍然是覺醒象徵和信條.馬克思主義對知識份子來說仍是個令人敬畏的名詞,且毫無疑問的仍是激進運動中主要的知識來源.這樣的地位甚至影響社會科學中最抽象的部份.

2006-06-10 20:14:36 · answer #1 · answered by Carrey 1 · 0 0


但, 雖然馬克思主義較少有對社會科學的直接衝擊作為學科在西方, 它有對嚴密同社會科學聯繫在一起的心境的極大的影響。 特別是這真實在30年代期間, 大蕭條的十年。 今天標誌不是缺乏強的利率復蘇在很好可能的馬克思, 通過它的追隨者的純粹數字, 在將來影響社會科學的本質。 社會主義為許多形象的標誌和信條依然是。 馬克思保持一個強大的名字在知識分子之中并且是寂靜的, 沒有任何問題, 根本運動的主要智力來源在政治。 這樣位置不能幫助,但是影響上下文最抽象社會科學。

什麼馬克思的想法建議了高於一切用一個正面方式是被指揮的計劃指揮的不由競爭和奮鬥盲目的力量在經濟元素之中,反而社會的可能性。 這希望, 這個圖像, 證明了一統治一個在20世紀,即使在哪裡馬克思的影響和社會主義是最好小和間接的。

2006-06-10 18:04:07 · answer #2 · answered by 嗨嗨 4 · 0 0

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