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想請問有經驗的美語老師 因為我現在正在一間美語補習班實習 教國小高年級的學生 但是我想知道在上課中 哪些動作哪些話 我可以使用一些簡單的日常英語呢 例如 turn to page 23 之類 教生活化的英語句子 另外可以給我一些意見 關於 上課過程 我所須注意的事嗎 感激不盡 ^^

2006-06-07 17:13:29 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 do myself 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

基本Classroom生活美語Hello! or Hi! 哈囉! 嗨!Good morning, Miss / Mr. ______.  早安, __老師Please take off your shoes / coat / hat. 請脫鞋 / 外套 / 帽May I come in? 我可以進來嗎?Good morning. 早安Hello / Hi! class. 哈囉 / 嗨小朋友們How are you doing today? 你今天如何?I am fine. Thank you. 我很好, 謝謝I am your teacher. 我是你們的老師How’s the weather today? 今天天氣如何?It’s sunny today. (cloudy, raining, windy) 今天是晴天 (陰, 雨, 大風)What’s wrong with you? 你怎麼了?What happened? 發生了什麼事?What’s the matter? 怎麼了?I am sick. 我生病了I am not feeling well. 我感覺不舒服Are you all right? 你一切還好吧?Are you Okay? 你還好吧?Are you ready? 你準備好了嗎?Let’s go / start! 開始吧Line up, please. 請排隊May I go to the washroom, please? 我可以去洗手間嗎?Do you need to go to the washroom? 你需要去洗手間嗎?Stand up, please. 請起立Sit down, please. 請坐下Let’s stand up. 我們一起站起來Let’s sit down. 我們一起坐下來Go back to your seat, please. 請回你的座位Everybody! Eyes on me! 每個人看著我Show me your big / beautiful eyes.讓我看看你的大 / 漂亮眼睛  Listen carefully, please. 請注意聽Be quiet, please. 請安靜It’s time to be quiet / calm down. 現在是安靜的時間Raise your hand, please. 請舉手Put your hands down, please. 請把手放下Open / Close the door, please. 請開 / 關門Open / Close your book, please. 請翻開 / 闔上書Please turn to page__. 請翻到第__頁Show me your __. 拿出你的 / 秀給我看你的___Point to the __. 指向_____Give me your __, please. 請給我你的____Please repeat after me. 請跟我重覆練習  Pass it to __, please. 請傳這個給___It’s your turn. 輪到你了Whose turn is it? 輪到誰了?It’s time to clean up. 打掃時間到了Please put the toys away. 請把玩具放回原位Let’s play a game. 我們來玩個遊戲Let’s try again. 讓我們再試一次Let’s make a circle. 讓我們圍一個圓圈Let’s sing the song together. 讓我們一起唱歌Let’s do some exercises. 讓我們作一些活動Let’s read (write / color / match / circle / trace…).讓我們閱讀(寫 / 著色 / 配對 / 圈選 / 連連看…)Please put your school bag / book bag in your shelf / cupboard. 請把書包放到你的架上 / 置物櫃 Please put your workbook in your school bag/book bag. 請把你的作業放進書包Please share the crayons with Jacky.  請跟Jacky共用蠟筆May I borrow a __, please? 我可以借一個 __ 嗎?還有太多了, 寫不盡因為知識+ 只能寫兩千字

2006-06-07 17:37:43 · answer #1 · answered by 北雪貴公子 6 · 0 0

什麼是take look your picture (book or page ??)沒有這種說法吧..從來沒聽過..也不合文法吧..真的有交過課ㄇ@@?

2006-06-07 19:06:41 · answer #2 · answered by rice0225 3 · 0 0

像listen carefully 和 pay attention here.
頂多就是take look your picture (book or page ??)
Can you tell (show) me what you see? Do you have any question?

2006-06-07 17:39:43 · answer #3 · answered by Mesclun 1 · 0 0

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