我是一個大二生 這學期修了一科通識\"美國文化概論\" 可是因為平時翹課太兇 老師說他扣分扣很重 補救辦法是 最後一堂課(下星期四)他會請一位我們學校的外籍老師 然後我們要用英文發問問題 就醬子@@但希望是比較有深度的問題 有人覺得問什麼問題比較好嗎。。。非常感謝解答。。。
2006-06-01 17:21:00 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 瓜 1 in 教育與參考 ➔ 其他:教育
我們要用英文發問問題,比較有深度的問題,美國文化概論Is there already in the United States a Latino Culture with its own language, traditions and beliefs? how does immigrat's culture influence the United States? Should the United States have only one culture, one language or officially add black and hispanic influence? Are blacks in the United States a nation within a nation, with different culture, goals and aspirations? what are some things that the united states have gotten from other cultures? Why the people from the United States discriminates from the latinos,africans,europeans and other ethnicity? Why dose the United State Allow There to be any Racist Groups to get any Funding to promote racism? What events and figures have shaped the development of Islam in the United States? Should the United States embrace diverse cultural influences?to united states citizens. do you think a spanish translation should be listed on everything? Is the United States school system adaquet?
2006-06-05 23:22:06 補充:
小螞蟻~☆ 不接受網友來信。
2006-06-01 17:39:14 · answer #1 · answered by naekuo 7 · 0⤊ 0⤋
2006-06-05 21:14:59 · answer #2 · answered by 瓜 1 · 0⤊ 0⤋