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二戰時, 希特勒迫害猶太人
規定 6 歲以上的猶太人要配戴猶太星徽才能出入公共場所
請問當時的那個星星的英文是什麼, 就是現在以色列國旗上的那個


2006-05-31 08:00:21 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Cyanide氰化物 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

猶太星徽指的就是大衛(王)之星 Star of David, 也有人稱它為Magen David 或 Shield of David大衛之盾牌, 是由兩個三角形重疊而成的六芒星.

King David 大衛王: 聖經中古代以色列王國第二位君主
King Solomon 所羅門王: 聖經中古代以色列王國第三位君主, 大衛王的兒子


Jewish Badge猶太人的徽章/臂章/名牌: A sign which Jews(猶太人) were required to wear in Nazi Germany(德國納粹) and occupied countries, often a yellow Star of David. The Star of David, a symbol of Judaism(猶太教), is a six-pointed star formed from two interlaced triangles, one inverted, and is also called the "Magen David" or the "Shield of David".

Star of David OR Star of Lucifer?
During the LAST TWO CENTURIES the six-pointed star has become a distinct Jewish symbol. One motive was the desire to have a common Jewish identification similar to the Christian cross and Islamic moon god crescent. It is important that we know that it has ONLY BEEN THE PAST TWO CENTURIES that the star has become a distinct Jewish symbol.
Though the Nazis used the star as A BADGE OF SHAME during World War II, it is said the symbol came to represent unity and hope. The reality is that the he Jewish people in Hitler's time were not thinking of unity and hope. They were thinking of SURVIVAL.

2006-05-31 16:06:23 補充:
從宗教角度解碼 - (v) 大衛之星與所羅門封印【 錯 謬 】:丹‧布朗在《達文西密碼》書中提出:「大衛之星」的兩個三角形是代表男性與女性的完美結合……是標示一般認為男神與女神所居住的至聖所。

2006-05-31 16:10:39 補充:
國旗上的徽號是由兩個三角形組成的六角星,稱為「大衛之星」,又名為「大衛盾」(Magen David) 和所羅門封印 (Seal of Solomon)。六角星與3000年前的大衛王朝有莫大關係。大衛作王時期,國力強盛。 以色列人把大衛之星放在國旗上,就是表示他們對復興大衛王朝的盼望。

2006-05-31 16:12:41 補充:

2006-05-31 16:13:00 補充:
由於希伯來文沒有聲母,所以「大衛」(David) 應該省去中間的響音 ‘a’ 和 ‘d’,讀成dvd (音: da-vic),頭尾都是D。後來到了距今2000年的時代,當時流行使用希臘文,希臘文的D字,用大草寫的時候就是一個三角形,所以dvd – D頭D尾,書寫時就變成了兩個三角形,將兩個三角形以反方向覆蓋,就變成了一個六角星,這就是大衛之星的起源。

2006-05-31 10:32:41 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

猶太星徽 = The Star of David,歷史上它一直是猶太人的守護象徵,代表上帝請看這段英文的歷史記載,就是寫到版主說的,納粹規定猶太人必須配帶The Star of David=The world accessible to German Jews narrowed. Jews were no longer allowed to enter cinemas, theaters, swimming pools, and resorts. The publishing of Jewish newspapers was suspended. Jews were required to carry identification cards and to wear Star of David badges. On one night, Nazis burned synagogues and vandalized Jewish businesses. The arrests and murders that followed intensified the fear Jews felt. Next, Jewish children were barred from schools. Curfews restricted Jews' time of travel and Jews were banned from public places. Germany began to expel Jews from within its borders. (http://fcit.usf.edu/Holocaust/people/victims.htm)還有Wikipedia也有註解很詳細,以色列國旗就是用Star of David沒錯=With the establishment of the State of Israel in 1948 the Star of David on the flag of Israel has also become a symbol of Israel. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_of_David)
 ph.1. 大衛之星(猶太人標記,兩個正三角形疊成的六角形)

2006-05-31 08:23:22 · answer #2 · answered by YLJ 7 · 0 0

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