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丁尼生(Alfred Lord Tennyson),英國維多利亞時代最傑出的詩人之一
我想請教有關於他的作品The lady of shalott

2006-05-26 17:40:49 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 WEI 2 in 藝術與人文 詩詞與文學

2 個解答

〈夏洛特小姐〉(The Lady of Shalott)是英國詩人丁尼生(1809-1892)在1832年出版的敘事詩,他的詩被公認為最足以代表維多利亞時代的風格。廣受歡迎的影集「清秀佳人」中,安躺在小船上朗讀的正是這篇〈夏洛特之女〉。這是一篇典型維多利亞時代風格的詩,充滿陳腐偽善的道德標準和華麗的辭藻。夏洛特小姐就是亞瑟王傳奇中,單戀圓桌武士藍斯洛並為其殉情的女子憶蘭。

夏落特知道自己受了詛咒,但卻不知道是什麼樣的詛咒,所以還是整日紡織不輟,手下的羅紗好似她嚮往的大千世界,她每日在這羅紗中編進自己的幻想與慾望, 而一面鏡子是她與外界的唯一聯繫。她不能看向外面的世界。直到蘭斯洛的身影投射入那水晶般的鏡子 她丟開那張網,離開織布機,三個箭步出房,她看見了水仙綻放,她看見了頭盔和帽飾,她下看了Camelot;鏡子頓時化為碎片;詛咒應驗了,”夏洛特小姐啜泣著。之後她就搭了小船順著河流而下自殺了。

這也是個比喻的故事,Tennyson寫此詩表達維多利亞時期對科學的狂熱及對藝術的不尊重,沒有人瞭解藝術,認為藝術是無用的,不能帶給人們任何利益與進步,正如同沒人查覺得到Lady of Shallot的存在一樣,But who hath seen her wave her hand? /Or at the casement seen her stand? / Or is she known in all the land, / The Lady of Shalott? 魔鏡及魔網是藝術,Lady of Shalott則是藝術家本身,當藝術家試著轉向這個世界,發現他無法在這個物質的事界裡生存,到最後藝術家只能在河流上,懷著一身才華抑鬱而終,直到懂得他藝術的人站出來,admire her lovely face and grace…
這首詩還有一位加拿大歌手LOREENA MCKENNITT有出這首詩的歌曲

2006-05-26 20:55:36 · answer #1 · answered by Jennifer 5 · 0 0

Part I: The people of the town of Camelot travel along the road and look toward an island called Shalott, which lies further down the river. . On the island, a woman known as the Lady of Shalott is imprisoned within a building made of “four gray walls and four gray towers.”
Has anyone seen or heard of the lady who lives on the island in the river? Only the reapers who harvest the barley hear the echo of her singing. At night, the tired reaper listens to her singing and whispers that he hears her: “ ‘Tis the fairy Lady of Shalott.”
Part II: The Lady of Shalott weaves a magic, colorful web. However, as she weaves, a mirror hangs before her. In the mirror, she sees shadows of the world. She enjoys her solitary weaving.
Part III: A knight in brass armor comes riding through the fields of barley beside Shalott. As he passes by the river, his image flashes into the Lady of Shalott’s mirror. Upon seeing and hearing this knight, the Lady stops weaving her web and abandons her loom. The web flies out from the loom, and the mirror cracks, and the Lady announces the arrival of her doom: “The curse is come upon me.”
Part IV: As the sky breaks out in rain and storm, the Lady of Shalott descends from her tower and finds a boat. She writes the words “The Lady of Shalott” around the boat’s bow and looks downstream to Camelot like a prophet foreseeing his own misfortunes. In the evening, she lies down in the boat, and the stream carries her to Camelot.
The Lady of Shalott wears a snowy white robe and sings her last song as she sails down to Camelot. She sings until her blood freezes, her eyes darken, and she dies. When her boat sails silently into Camelot, all the knights, lords, and ladies of Camelot emerge from their halls to behold the sight. Only the great knight Lancelot is bold enough to push aside the crowd, look closely at the dead maiden, and remark “She has a lovely face; God in his mercy lend her grace.”

2006-05-27 04:41:18 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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