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Talking about my best friend. My best friend is Erin. She is my cousin.
And we were the classmate since elementary school to junior high school for 9 years. She is funny and cute. We always chatted the interesting news that happened at the school on the way home. It’s a very pure and wonderful time for me.
And now, we still keep the contact since we went to different school . Sometimes, we called each other and shared our happy or unhappy things on the phone. And sometimes, we may gossiped about anything we met and have a teatime or dinner in some special and different kinds of tea shops on the weekend. And those things let me feel very warm and made our friendship deeper.
當我們問What\'s your favorite animal?時答句應該是My favorite animal is monkeys.還是My favorite animal are monkeys.呢?因為有人告訴我說在這裡monkey+s是因為是統稱所以用複數,但be動詞的部分要改嗎?還是只是統稱視為統一的單數所以用
is呢?或是可以用My favorite animal is a monkey.但這樣用又好奇怪~好混亂哦~拜託各位英文高手幫幫我解譯讓我瞭解一下好嗎?謝謝大家囉~

2006-05-23 02:29:58 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 yuyu 1 in 社會與文化 語言

網址如下 http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1206051709770

2006-05-23 12:49:13 · update #1

3 個解答

Yuyu:你的英文大概剛剛起步,不過可以看出你的用心。大致來說,你可以改進的有三部分,第一是文章的「情節」必須更為切題,充分表現「最好的朋友」的「最好」之處何在?第二、句子的結構運用還不夠成熟。第三、注意基本的文法規則。羅馬不是一天造成的,英文只要多寫,有人幫你認真的改,就會有明顯的進步。以下是我改寫的文章,希望你喜歡。Talking about my best friend.改寫後全文My best friend is Erin who is my cousin. We were classmates for 9 years since elementary school. She is a funny and cute girl. She always chatted about interesting news in the school on our way home. It was the most wonderful time of the day for me. Although we are going to different schools now , but we call each other to share the pleansant and unpleasant things occured to us. In addition, we have tea time or dinner together to gossip funny subjects in specially selected coffee shops to gossip on weekends. I treasure so much with the friendship with Erin, she is really my best friend. I hope our friendship lasts forever. 修改逐句說明My best friend is Erin who is my cousin.(把兩個獨立句子結合成一句)。 We were classmates(複數)for 9 years since elementary school. (簡化句子,小學起9年就是國中,不必再寫出junior high school) She is a funny and cute girl. She always chatted about interesting news in the school on our way home. (除去多餘的字,像happened。句子改用She起頭而不用We是要接下來描述和以她是個funny and cute的好朋友)It was the most wonderful time of the day for me. (你用pure可能是要表示雙方純潔的友誼,但這並非英文的表示方法,而且pure 和wonderful time是兩件完全不同的事情,不宜相提並論。)Although we are going to different schools now , (雙方現在仍在就學中,所以要用現在進行式。兩個人在不同的學校,所以school要用複數) but we call each other to share the pleansant and unpleasant things occured to us. (用pleasant 令人感覺愉悅的這個字比happy更精確描寫自己的感覺,call 一看字面就之倒是打電話,所以句尾不必再提on the phone了。)  In addition, (「除此之外」,作為開啟下一句的轉折詞)we have tea time or dinner together to gossip funny subjects in specially selected coffee shops to gossip on weekends. (既然在一起飲茶、晚餐就表示雙方見面,可以刪除多餘的met了。special 和different兩個形容詞放在一起很不相稱)I treasure (珍惜) so much with the friendship with Erin, she is really my best friend. I hope our friendship lasts forever. (文章要收尾時要呼應主題Best Friend)What's your favorite animal? 正確的答案是 My favorite animal is the monkey. 或者Tthe monkey is my favorite animal. 這個句子不能用複數,因為是指單一種類的動物,建議用在monkey前加一個定冠詞the。

2006-05-23 04:44:21 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

Good morning/afternoon everybody, today I am going to talk about my best friend. Her name is Erin and she is my cousin. We have been classmates for 9 years since elememtary to junior high school. She is cute and funny and on our way home, we always chat about the interesting things that has happened at school. It was a wonderful time for me.
As for now, we still keep in contact/touch because we are in different high schools. Sometimes, we would call each other and shared our happy or sad stories. And sometimes during the weekend, we would go out to cafes that we thought are different to others for afternoon tea or dinner to gossip about anything that has happened. When we do meet up and chat, it makes me feel very warm and made our friendship stronger.

What's your favorite animal?
My favorite animal is monkeys.

2006-05-23 08:35:57 補充:
a monkey指的是你只喜歡一隻猴子monkeys指的是全部的猴子

2006-05-23 08:43:03 補充:
訂正:My favorite animal is monkey沒有S在MONKEY後面!^^\\

2006-05-23 04:33:46 · answer #2 · answered by 優優 3 · 0 0

My favorite animal is a monkey.
not are

2006-05-23 03:03:54 · answer #3 · answered by Annly 2 · 0 0

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