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第一幕女孩:奶奶,我回來了,外面好冷哦!奶奶:瑞蓮,快來暖爐這裡取暖。火可以帶來溫暖喔!(過了幾天…之後)女孩:奶奶,奶奶… 第二幕爸爸:奶奶已經過世了,跟我回家去。女孩:NO,不要…我要跟奶奶在一起。爸爸:奶奶已經死掉了,還要在奶奶家做什麼,走…女孩:Woo………爸爸:如果你想待在這個家裡面吃飯的話,就把這些火柴賣完才可以回來。 第三幕女孩:賣火柴喔…先生,買些火柴吧!壞人:我有打火機了,還買什麼火柴,走開! 女孩:賣火柴喔…先生,買些火柴吧!好人:今天天氣非常的冷,小女孩快點回家去吧! 女孩:看起來好好吃哦!甲:她怎麼一直看著我們吃飯啊…乙:喂,看什麼看…走開! 第四幕女孩:好冷、好餓喔!對了,奶奶說火可以帶來溫暖! (點起了第一根火柴)女孩:好暖和喔!真的不會冷了。 (點起了第二根火柴)女孩:有好多好多好吃的東西哦。 (點起第三根火柴)女孩:奶奶…  woo,真的是奶奶耶,奶奶請把我走吧!帶到沒有寒冷,沒有飢餓的地方。奶奶:別害怕,奶奶會保護你。

2006-05-03 22:29:17 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 6 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

人死了就不能用現在式﹐所以要說﹕ grandma had past away. 用HAS的話﹐好像她死了﹐可是還沒死完。。。。 很奇怪的說法耶~~~

2006-05-06 08:36:34 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

第一幕(first Act)女孩:奶奶,我回來了,外面好冷哦!Girl: Grandma, I'm back, it is so cold outside奶奶:瑞蓮,快來暖爐這裡取暖。火可以帶來溫暖喔!Grandma: Ruby, quick come to the heater the fire could keep you warm(過了幾天…之後)(After a few days)女孩:奶奶,奶奶…  Girl: Grandma, Grandma.....第二幕(Second Act)爸爸:奶奶已經過世了,跟我回家去。Dad: Grandma has passed away, follow me home女孩:NO,不要…我要跟奶奶在一起。Girl: No, I don't want... I want to be with Grandma爸爸:奶奶已經死掉了,還要在奶奶家做什麼,走…Dad: Grandma already dead, there is nothings you could do at Grandma place, let go....女孩:Woo………Girl: Woo.....爸爸:如果你想待在這個家裡面吃飯的話,就把這些火柴賣完才可以回來。  Dad: If you want to have meal at home you have to sold all the matches第三幕(Third Act)女孩:賣火柴喔…先生,買些火柴吧!Girl: Selling matches....Sir please buy some matches from me!壞人:我有打火機了,還買什麼火柴,走開!  Bad Guy: I have lighter, why should I buy matches, get lost!女孩:賣火柴喔…先生,買些火柴吧!Girl: Selling matches....Sir please buy some matches from me!好人:今天天氣非常的冷,小女孩快點回家去吧!Good guy: Today the weather is very cold, little girl you should have go back home immediately 女孩:看起來好好吃哦!Girl: It look delicious!甲:她怎麼一直看著我們吃飯啊…A: Why is she keep looking while we are taking our meal...乙:喂,看什麼看…走開!B: Hi, what are you looking at...get lost!  第四幕(Forth Act)女孩:好冷、好餓喔!對了,奶奶說火可以帶來溫暖!Girl: So cold, so hungry! Oh yes, Grandma said fire could keep me warm!  (點起了第一根火柴)(Light up first match)女孩:好暖和喔!真的不會冷了。  Girl: Oh it is so warm! I don't feel cold anymore(點起了第二根火柴)(Light up second match)女孩:有好多好多好吃的東西哦。  Girl: so many delicious food(點起第三根火柴)(Light up third match)女孩:奶奶…  woo,真的是奶奶耶,奶奶請把我走吧!帶到沒有寒冷,沒有飢餓的地方。Girl: Grandma....woo, it is really Grandma, Grandma please take me along with you! Bring me to a place where there it is not cold and starvation奶奶:別害怕,奶奶會保護你。 Grandma: Don't be afraid, Grandma will protect you

2006-05-04 11:01:56 · answer #2 · answered by angel 7 · 0 0

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