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The blasts engulfed the 109,000-ton Haven in a cloak of flames and smoke while experts fought to stop it from spewing a million barrels of Iranian crude oil.

請用英文解釋單字的意思-----1.engulfed 2.spewing 3.crude oil

請幫我找文法解釋,逗點的解釋 ex: of前面要先翻.修飾.......等 ,冒號的解釋文法等

2006-05-01 03:29:20 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 敏雯 1 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

1. engulf: to surround and cover something or someone completely
2. spew: If something spews liquid or gas OR gas spews from something, it flows out in
large amounts
3. crude oil: oil in a natural state that has not yet been treated

正當專家全力撲滅從數以百萬桶, 約109,000噸, 的伊朗原油所噴發出來的火焰跟煙霧時, 一陣爆破將整個避難所淹沒吞噬了.

因為我不清楚你要從哪個"of"先翻, 所以我就依照這個句子架構來翻. 另外,我並沒有看到任何的冒號, 而唯一的逗點是"109,000"這個數字裡面的. 至於這個逗點就只是單純的數字標示法, 應該沒有任何特殊的文法意思. 而在109,000之後出現的破折號是一個形容詞的用法, 指"109,000噸的".


2006-05-01 04:57:08 · answer #1 · answered by Veronica 2 · 0 0


2006-05-06 16:45:24 · answer #2 · answered by 敏雯 1 · 0 0

"Haven" 是船名
109,000-ton = 排水量10萬9千噸

2006-05-02 02:58:17 · answer #3 · answered by D L 6 · 0 0

The blasts (主詞:爆炸) engulfed (動詞:吞沒) the 109,000-ton Haven (受詞) in a cloak of flames and smoke (介係詞片語;engulf ... in a cloak of flames and smoke指的是(爆炸)將XX捲入了烈火與煙霧中,宛如被一層cloak火霧所覆蓋)while (引導副詞子句,表災難發生的同時專家們正做些什麼)  experts (副詞子句主詞) fought (副詞子句動詞) to stop it from spewing a million barrels of Iranian crude oil (to stop...oil為不定詞片語當fought的受詞; stop + 受詞 + from V-ing : 阻止某事發生,所以stop it from spewing .... crude oil的意思就是"阻止數量多達百萬桶的伊朗原油噴出: spew為"噴", crude oil為原油).

2006-05-01 08:19:46 · answer #4 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0

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