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求英文翻譯句子"謝謝妳給我的回憶""對不起我無法給你幸福""永別了我的愛"哈… 別給我死文 請親自翻譯= =如果翻譯機不會錯我早就自翻了…看在20點的份上! 拜託! 認真翻!還有!是男生對女生說喔!= ="

2006-04-22 15:29:50 · 8 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3 in 社會與文化 語言

衝衝衝 跟 inch
誰對啊= =...

2006-04-22 16:24:22 · update #1

8 個解答

Thank you for your bringing me memories .

I'm sorry that I couldn't bring you happiness

Good bye ! My love !

2006-04-22 20:54:29 補充:
請參閱例句 , 為可數名詞的用法記憶的範圍[U]留在記憶中的人(或事物);回憶[C]The photograph brings back many pleasant memories.這張照片使人回想起許多愉快的往事。樓下大大: 因此我的文法並無錯誤 , 且您只是做些修飾, 本來我也想做些潤飾 , 但考量保留作者原意 --- 這些都取決於翻譯的手法 , 並沒有誰對誰錯 .

2006-04-22 21:02:45 補充:
inch: 想請教您 , 您只不過比我多了 so many 請問錯在哪裡? 再者 , 我保留作者原意「難道我錯了嗎?」 複數本身已經包含許多的意思 , 多些形容詞只不過是多做修飾罷了

2006-04-22 21:23:03 補充:
資料來源: http://english.taipei.gov.tw/hakka/index.jsp?recordid=663 ( 此為英文網站)參考例句: Listen Example 2. Thank you,「Thank you for your caring.」 解說如下 : Thank you for ( your) Ving ~

2006-04-22 21:23:54 補充:
for之後的所有格 , 書面用法本來應該要加 , 口語用法只是將其省略而已 .... 因為本來 for 之後接的是子句 , 但因為介系詞將該子句名詞化之後, 連帶主格 you 變成 所有格 your,以便銜接分詞構句 , 但 you 跟 yours 意思重複, 故口語用法習慣省略 ---- 因此文法上並無錯誤

2006-04-22 21:36:57 補充:
請參考: http://tw.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=1306030208870來,我們先問一下Google。搜尋 "Thank you for your help" (記得搜尋時要打"號):==> 約有2,170,000項符合"thank you for your help"的查詢結果

2006-04-22 21:37:48 補充:
搜尋 "Thanks for your help"==> 約有5,580,000項符合"Thanks for your help"的查詢結果的確,用 "Thanks for your help" 的人比較多,但 "Thank you for your help" 也有兩百萬的次數,誰敢說講 "Thank you for your help" 是錯的!?

2006-04-22 21:48:44 補充:
thank you for your " 用美國雅虎搜尋 有 三千一百五十萬個項目Results 1 - 10 of about 31,500,000 for " thank you for your " - 0.26 sec. (About this page)

2006-04-23 00:09:16 補充:
謝謝您的賞識 但那也並非不正確的文法 根據我的解說相信您可以理解 文法對錯得由專家去認定 再者 我已經舉了很多參考資料 在這個議題上 就只是有常使用跟不常使用的區分而已 第三 您說的甚是 但是對於"仍值得鼓勵"的講法 我有疑問 : {難到您發表的就完全是正確的嗎?}

2006-04-23 00:34:36 補充:
我從國一開始就研究英文文法 , 而且經過台大名師教導 , Thank you for your + N / Ving 這個文法觀念我一直根深蒂固 不可能會錯的 少了your 是避免意思上的累贅而已 究其本質 還原其為子句 you 乃為理當該有之主格 由此論點 不能以此 來論文法對錯 若硬要講文法 沒有your 才是真正錯誤的文法 就好像國語大家習慣唸錯的字 唸久了 錯的也變對的 我這麼說 您還是堅持「我錯了」嗎 ? 譬如: 歌仔戲的< 仔>應該唸<ㄗ ˇ> 但大家習慣唸<ㄗㄞ ˇ> 早已積非成是了 這是最近的新聞 不知您知道否?

2006-04-22 15:58:46 · answer #1 · answered by 愛不簡單 1 · 0 0

very thanks offer code !

2017-02-23 02:26:09 · answer #2 · answered by 明鐘 1 · 0 0

good morning,sir . can l help?
Yes.l am looking for some tea for my girlfriend.what do you have here?
Here we have many types of tea,such as black tea,green tea and Oolong tea.Which one does your girlfriend prefer?
l'm not sure. She is a milk tea lover. Do you have any suggestions?
Then l'll recommend black tea. ltgoes well with milk.
Allright.l'll take that.
Sure.Would you like to choose another one?Today we have a"buy one and get one free" special.
Hownice!Then l'll take the green tea.
No problem.So that's one bag of black tea and one bag of green tea.
That's right.
How would you like to pay?
Sure.And would you like me to wrap it up for you?
That'll be great.
The total comes to NT$250.
Here you go.
Here is your change.
Thank you.
your welcom sire, Have a nice day.

2015-11-14 21:39:09 · answer #3 · answered by 雅筑 1 · 0 0

抱歉 請選擇衝先生為最佳解答吧

2006-04-23 06:34:09 · answer #4 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

簡潔美妙的翻譯句子如下,給你參考喔!! ^^

Thank you for all the beautiful memories you brought to my life.

Sorry that I couldn't give you happiness.

Farewell my love!

2006-04-23 09:21:35 補充:
補充一下,我有稍加潤飾,所以加了 all、beautiful等字唷! 感覺更感人更誠懇..哈哈,如果覺得不喜歡就把它們拿掉...^^"還有,一點點小心得,寫文章的時候,尤其像這樣只有幾句短短的話,最好用字精簡而且減少重覆的字,讀起比較好聽,所以: 1. 差不多的意思,一二句我用了 bring 跟 give 兩種不一樣的動詞2.第三句 "Sorry that I..." 省去了 Sorry 前面的 "I am" 才不會跟後面的I重複,這樣文法是對的而且更精簡、不重複喔!

2006-04-22 21:30:07 · answer #5 · answered by echo 2 · 0 0

Thankn you for the recollections you have given me
I am sorry that I can't give you happiness
Farewell , my love ...

2006-04-22 16:41:22 · answer #6 · answered by 呆安 1 · 0 0

I appreciated the memories you gave.
"so sorry for the well-being I could not afford to you.
Our love, it's over.

2006-04-22 16:30:22 · answer #7 · answered by ian 1 · 0 0

譯: Thank the remembrance that you give to me

譯: It is unable to give to you happily to be unfair to me

譯: Have said goodbye to my love forever

2006-04-22 15:48:07 · answer #8 · answered by *ω 喵 ,, 1 · 0 0

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