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You cannot call a country a superpower when its per capita GDP is US$1,600 and its Gini index of income inequality is an alarming 0.49. Hundreds of millions of people still live near or below the poverty line, without adequate medical care. Mining fatalities, mostly from coal mine disasters, totaled 6,027 last year, accounting for 80 per cent of the world total.

There should be no doubt that China will become a superpower in the near future, as its economy is growing at a near double digit rate. Its political and military might is also expanding, to an extent that the country is viewed as a threat. That\'s the reason why President Bush is willing and eager to host Hu Jintao at the White House, for a high-profile meeting that is certain to attract world attention.

2006-04-16 19:16:52 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

You cannot call a country a superpower when its per capita GDP is US$1,600 and its Gini index of income inequality is an alarming 0.49. Hundreds of millions of people still live near or below the poverty line, without adequate medical care. Mining fatalities, mostly from coal mine disasters, totaled 6,027 last year, accounting for 80 per cent of the world total.
當一個國家的個人國民所得是1千6百美金,而且其所得不平均吉尼係數是令人擔憂具警訊的0.49,你怎能稱它是一個超級大國呢?數百萬的國民仍然生活在接近或在貧窮界線之下,沒有足夠的醫療照護。礦業死亡人數,大都因煤礦災難而來,每年有6千零2十7 人,幾乎佔了全世界百分之80。
There should be no doubt that China will become a superpower in the near future, as its economy is growing at a near double digit rate. Its political and military might is also expanding, to an extent that the country is viewed as a threat. That's the reason why President Bush is willing and eager to host Hu Jintao at the White House, for a high-profile meeting that is certain to attract world attention.

2006-04-16 19:52:34 · answer #1 · answered by Al 5 · 0 0


2006-04-30 09:51:49 · answer #2 · answered by groupiecat1209 1 · 0 0

本文翻譯沒有人能夠稱呼一個國家為超級強權(superpower),而其國民所得(per capita GDP)才只有1600美元、吉尼係數(Gini Index)到達警示的0.49。數以億計的人民仍然生活在貧窮線(poverty line)之下,而且得不到適當的醫療照護。去年大多發生在煤礦的的礦場災變,導致了6,027名礦工喪生,佔了當年全球礦場災變喪生人數的80%。在每年接近兩位數字的經濟成長之下,中國很快會成為超級強權是不容置疑的。它的政治與軍事力量正在擴張中,到達了令人感受到是一種威脅的程度。這就是美國小布希總統願意甚至急切想要在白宮會見胡錦濤的緣故,像這樣一個高規格(high profile)的會面,當然會引起舉世的矚目。吉尼係數(Gini Index)   在研究所得分配不均程度常使用的是洛侖士曲線(Lorenz curve)和吉尼係數(Gini coefficient)。吉尼係數這是義大利統計學者在Corrado Gini在1912所發表,用來衡量所得分配不均的情況。吉尼係數從0到1,當吉尼係數為0時,表示社會中所有的人收入完全平等;當吉尼係數為1時,表示社會中只有一個人有所得,其餘大多數人所得均為0。根據上述文章提到中國大陸的吉尼係數是0.49,行政院主計處公布台灣的吉尼係數是0.35。美國的吉尼係數高達0.4,而歐盟的吉尼係數很低,在0.24 ~ 0.36之間。貧窮線 (poverty line) 家庭或個人維持最低生或所需要的收入。美國2004年聯邦政府訂定的「聯邦貧窮線」( Federal Poverty Line,FPL),以三人組成的家庭計算為 $15,670美元。以台灣為例,根據社會救助法,一個國民的收入在平均個人消費額六成以下,即觸及「貧窮線」,民國92年的個人「貧窮線」為每月新台幣8,426元。http://www.answers.com/poverty%20linehttp://www.get.com.tw/goldensun/answer/94kp/PDF/K24.pdf

2006-04-16 20:37:09 · answer #3 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

China not a superpower, yet然而,中國並非一個超級大國

當它的人均國內生產總值是1,600美元時,你不能叫一個國家為一個超級大國,它的收入不平等的Gini索引是一擔心的0.49。 或者在貧困線下面,沒有足夠的醫療護理數百萬人仍然過近。 采礦宿命,主要從煤礦災難,去年總計6,027,占世界總數的百分之80。

應該沒有中國將變得不久一超級大國,它的經濟正在一個近的雙重的數字比率增長的懷疑。 政治和軍事可能也給國家作為一威脅檢視的程度擴大。 那是布希總統願意並且渴望在白宮款待胡錦濤的原因, 對於一定吸引世界注意的一個引人注目會議來說。

2006-04-16 19:26:09 · answer #4 · answered by ∫Ferrari〃兔 5 · 0 0

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