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大家好:以下五句,麻煩幫我訂正文法如果還可以幫我寫出口語和非口語的不同用法直接致上20點若答案都太好難以選擇,以投票方式決定感謝!-------------------------------------------------1如果娼妓合法化的缺點多於優點,為何世界上大部分先進國家都將之合法化?2如果反方不贊成娼妓合法化,請問反方對於私娼的問題要如何解決?3沒有人願意天生當娼妓,如果不把娼妓問題以合法方式來解決,而一味的禁止,那這些娼妓的民生問題,反方有什麼解決措施?4是不是禁止娼妓合法就不會有娼妓問題?那如果轉為非法色情業,如同私娼,反方應該如何解決?5可以麻煩反方告訴我,禁止娼妓的優點有哪些?5. Could you please tell me the advantages of banning prostitution?  4. Is it true that the problems caused by prostitution will stop to exist if prostitution is banned? (If it is not true), How will you handle the possibly additional problems if those illegal prostitutes turn to illegal sex industry? 3. No one is willing to be born as a prostitute. If prostitution is banned, rather than being legalized, then what will be your resolution policies for those prostitutes to make their own living? 2. If you (the con side) disagree on prostitution legalization, then how will you resolve the problems caused by illegal prostitution? 1. If the disadvantages of legalizing prostitution are more than its advantages, then why has it been legalized in most of the advanced countries in the world?

2006-04-12 21:12:04 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 ? 6 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

Prostitute=娼妓 (非口語)
Whore=娼妓 (口語)
先進國家=developed countries
辯論大多使用正式說法 儘量用字簡潔 抓住重點 翻譯的話抓住重點即可 無須過度重複相同字眼

1. If there are more disadvantages in legalizing prostitution, then why do most developed countries make it legal? (說缺點較多就包含了缺點多過優點的意思了 這樣比較簡潔)

2. If you disagree with legalizing prostitution, then how will you resolve problems caused by illicit prostitution?

3. Naturally, no one is willing to be a prostitute. If we simply prohibit prostitution rather than trying to solve the problem via legalization, then what resolution can you provide to help the prostitutes with their livelihood?

4. Will banning prostitution help to eliminate related problems? If the problem turns to illegal pornography, such as private prostitution, how would you deal with it?

5. Please state the advantages of banning prostitution? (辯論多數要求詞句精簡)

2006-04-14 12:20:12 · answer #1 · answered by James C 6 · 0 0

James 的底子不錯哦~ 利害!

2006-04-17 04:29:35 · answer #2 · answered by yuvius1030 7 · 0 0

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