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1.How many students are there in your class ?
→Do you know .............................?
2.Mary went camping last week.
→Mary ........................................ .﹝用next week﹞
3.Working with John is a lot of fun.
→It....................................................... .
4.Mary:Did you call Peter last night?
John:Sorry , I forgot .
→John forgot .......................................... .
5.John took the test yesterday .
→When .......................................................?

2006-04-05 11:57:00 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 大嘴魚 3 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

1.How many students are there in your class ?→Do you know how many students there are in your class?直接問句改成間接問句時,後面子句要恢復成 S+V (主詞+動詞)中文:你知道你班上有多少學生嗎?2.Mary went camping last week.→Mary is going to go camping next week. (用next week)用 next week要改成未來簡單式 is going to (或will) + VR中文:瑪莉下週將會去露營。3.Working with John is a lot of fun.→It is a lot fun working with John.用 it 當虛主詞,動名詞working with John 當真主詞中文:跟約翰一起工作很開心。4.Mary:Did you call Peter last night?John:Sorry, I forgot.→John forgot calling Peter last night.用 forget + V-ing  表示過去忘了做甚麼事中文:約翰昨天晚上忘記打電話給彼得。5.John took the test yesterday .→When did John take the test yesterday?肯定句改疑問句,要注意時式中文:約翰甚麼時候考了試?

2006-04-05 12:53:41 · answer #1 · answered by River 7 · 0 0

forget + Ving 是忘記做過某件事,事實上是做過,但忘記而己。
forget + to + V 則是忘記去做某件事,事實上還未做。

2006-04-11 11:03:15 · answer #2 · answered by 頭頭 3 · 0 0

Dear Kyiee 我以為上來問已經是很積極了說...37歲的上班族比較沒時間跟別人擠著問,留到很晚﹝10點以後﹞明天還是要上班啊!我知道很簡單,但是當年就是沒學好,以至於現在才開始學。

2006-04-06 09:25:17 補充:
Dear Cgauld 謝謝你的提醒!我會再去看一遍題目,或許是我抄錯~

2006-04-06 09:29:53 補充:
Dear mickeyshit 你的大姓是「薛」嗎?呵呵~很好奇ㄟ!因為這個字串被系統擋掉,變成星號....

2006-04-06 05:23:08 · answer #3 · answered by 大嘴魚 3 · 0 0


2006-04-05 13:14:50 · answer #4 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

哈囉~ 第2題要講 go camping 哦!
(Mary will go camping next week.)

2006-04-05 12:16:56 · answer #5 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

1.Do you know how many students are there in your class ?連起來就好了
2.Mary will go to camp next week.改未來式
3.It is a lot of fun to work with John. 本來是跟JOHN工作很開心 變要很開心能跟JOHN工作
4.John forgot to call Peter last night.要幹啥時 加TO
5.When did John take the test? 把TOOK變回原形TAKE 以過去式問

2006-04-05 16:06:28 補充:

2006-04-05 12:03:58 · answer #6 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

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