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I want to know more about this writter,
if anyone can offer some informations about him,
it is good! Thx!

Chinese is ok, but English is better! ^+++++++^

2006-04-03 13:32:27 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 ? 3 in 藝術與人文 詩詞與文學

1 個解答

You must have known that he is a poet. I am not sure when you say you want to know more about him, you mean Coleridge the person, or Coleridge's poems. However, following are simple introduction of the poet. 以下內容是談他的寫作風格,不過如果你想知道的是生平的話,請查 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samuel_Taylor_Coleridge

In comparison with Wordsworth, Coleridge's poems complicate the phenomena Wordsworth takes for granted: the simple unity between the child and nature and the adult's reconnection with nature through memories of childhood; in poems such as "Frost at Midnight," Coleridge indicates the fragility of the child's innocence by relating his own urban childhood. In poems such as "Dejection: An Ode" and "Nightingale," he stresses the division between his own mind and the beauty of the natural world. Finally, Coleridge often privileges weird tales and bizarre imagery over the commonplace, rustic simplicities Wordsworth advocates; the "thousand thousand slimy things" that crawl upon the rotting sea in the "Rime" would be out of place in a Wordsworth poem.
If Wordsworth represents the central pillar of early Romanticism, Coleridge is nevertheless an important structural support. His emphasis on the imagination, its independence from the outside world and its creation of fantastic pictures such as those found in the "Rime," exerted a profound influence on later writers such as Shelley; his depiction of feelings of alienation and numbness helped to define more sharply the Romantics' idealized contrast between the emptiness of the city--where such feelings are experienced--and the joys of nature. The heightened understanding of these feelings also helped to shape the stereotype of the suffering Romantic genius, often further characterized by drug addiction: this figure of the idealist, brilliant yet tragically unable to attain his own ideals, is a major pose for Coleridge in his poetry.

2006-04-03 20:36:55 · answer #1 · answered by earthl 6 · 0 0

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