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Friendship is one of the most impotant relationships between people. In my opinion, frienship is based on trust and communication. Trust and communication affect to each other. Trust in friendship means beliefs of each other. If there\'s no trust between friends, then the relationship does not belong to friendship. Friends who believe each other share their stories and emotions that are either happy or sad. When friends share these stories and emotions, they communicate. There\'s a Chinese idiom, \" The friendship with good quality is tasted as water and it\'s the communication between souls.\" It means the real friendship is in deep of our hearts, not easily to tasted as honey that is very sweet. If the frienship is sweet as honey, it may not be lasting for too long. Sweet honey cannot easily be used to people everyday. By the contrast, people drink water everday, right? I guess it\'s why people say \"soulmates\". In my experiences, it\'s not too easy to find a real friend who really cares about you. The people care you don\'t do things to harm you, but they do help you and encourage you. People in our society is playing mind games too much now. The frienships between people now is not good as before. What a pity!

2006-04-03 06:48:54 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 小瓜 2 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

Friendship is one of the most impotant relationships between people.
In my opinion, frienship is based on trust and communication.
Trust and communication affect to each other.
Trust in friendship means beliefs of each other.
If there's no trust between friends, then the relationship does not belong to friendship.
假如在朋友當中沒有信任 那這種關係就不會包含在友誼中了
Friends who believe each other share their stories and emotions that are either happy or sad. 互相相信分享他們的故事和情感是或愉快或哀傷的朋友。
When friends share these stories and emotions, they communicate.
當朋友分享這些故事和情感 他們就是在溝通
There's a Chinese idiom, " The friendship with good quality is tasted as water and it's the communication between souls."
有中國成語, "君子之交淡如水和這是一種溝通在靈魂之間。"
It means the real friendship is in deep of our hearts, not easily to tasted as honey that is very sweet.
它意味真正的友誼是深的我們的心靈, 不是容易的品嘗就像是非常甜的蜂蜜。
If the frienship is sweet as honey, it may not be lasting for too long.
如果友誼 是甜的就像蜂蜜, 它不能是持久的以長遠來說長。
Sweet honey cannot easily be used to people everyday.
By the contrast, people drink water everday, right? I guess it's why people say "soulmates".
對比來說, 人們每天喝水, 對吧? 我猜測它是為什麼人們說精神伴侶。
In my experiences, it's not too easy to find a real friend who really cares about you.
在我的經驗, 它不是太容易以至於不能找到對您真正地關心的一個真正的朋友
The people care you don't do things to harm you, but they do help you and encourage you.
人關心您不做事危害您, 但是他們幫助您和鼓勵您。
People in our society is playing mind games too much now.
The frienships between people now is not good as before.
What a pity!

2006-04-03 07:27:49 · answer #1 · answered by Air Lion 4 · 0 0

大家都在搞 複製別人ㄉ??

2006-04-05 06:58:45 · answer #2 · answered by 瑞太 1 · 0 0

Friendship is one of the most impotant relationships between people.
In my opinion, frienship is based on trust and communication.
Trust and communication affect to each other.
Trust in friendship means beliefs of each other.
If there's no trust between friends, then the relationship does not belong to friendship.
Friends who believe each other share their stories and emotions that are either happy or sad.
When friends share these stories and emotions, they communicate.
There's a Chinese idiom, " The friendship with good quality is tasted as water and it's the communication between souls."
It means the real friendship is in deep of our hearts, not easily to tasted as honey that is very sweet.
If the frienship is sweet as honey, it may not be lasting for too long.
Sweet honey cannot easily be used to people everyday.
By the contrast, people drink water everday, right? I guess it's why people say "soulmates".
In my experiences, it's not too easy to find a real friend who really cares about you.
The people care you don't do things to harm you, but they do help you and encourage you.
People in our society is playing mind games too much now.
The frienships between people now is not good as before. What a pity!

2006-04-03 11:33:38 補充:
The people care you, don't do things to harm you, but they do help you and encourage you. 如果有逗號的話這些人關心(在乎)你,不會做傷害你的事情,而是真的幫助你及鼓勵你。

2006-04-03 07:27:28 · answer #3 · answered by 頭頭 3 · 0 0


2006-04-03 07:26:23 · answer #4 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

友誼在人類之中是最重要的關係, 依我的意見, 友誼基於信任和溝通 ,而信任和溝通影響彼此 ,信任在友誼當中意指彼此信賴, 假如朋友間沒有信賴 ,此關係不屬於友誼, 朋友間相信彼此 ,分享 他們的故事, 情感 ,不管快樂或悲傷 ,當朋友分享這些故事和情感時 ,他們互相溝通 ,有一句中國諺語說 ,"君子之交淡如水" , 意指 ,真正的友誼, 在我們心深處 ,並不容易像蜂蜜的滋味, 而是是很甜蜜的, 假如友誼甜蜜到如蜂蜜 ,它可能不會維持很久, 甜蜜的蜂蜜不容易習慣於人们的生活中, 相反的,人们卻每天都要喝水,不是嗎 ,我想這就是為什麼人们說,心靈伴侶.在我的經驗中, 要找到一個朋友, 真正關心你並不容易, 朋友關心你,不會做傷害你的事, 但他們會幫忙和鼓勵你 ,朋友在我們的社會中扮演心靈的重要角色 ,友誼在現代人中不像以前那麼好 ,這是多可惜的事.

2006-04-03 07:22:21 · answer #5 · answered by apple 3 · 0 0


2006-04-03 11:15:42 補充:

2006-04-03 07:15:10 · answer #6 · answered by MIKI 2 · 0 0

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