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The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each
flower family native to the United States.
在was to have ....那邊是什麼樣的句型&文法呢....

2006-03-25 07:15:06 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 acd 2 in 社會與文化 語言

native to那邊的詳細用法嗎...

2006-03-30 11:43:07 · update #1

3 個解答

A. 句型文法分析:S + be + to V 的 to have…是不定詞,在這裡是名詞用法,當主詞補語,補充主詞 The intention (意圖),是甚麼,意思雖然是目的,但不是in order to,因為 in order to 是副詞用法 (例句如下2)。The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States.The intention  =  S. was = 主要動詞 (be)to have the collection represent at least one member of each flower family native to the United States. 是 不定詞片語 = 主詞補語 (S. C.)B. 中文翻譯:其意圖是讓所蒐集到的東西,至少代表每種美國本土花系的一種。C 他例:1.      當名詞用: One of my goals is to study MBA program in your honorable academy. 我目標之一是的唸貴校的MBA課程。2.      當副詞用:Mary studies Spanish hard only to pass her exam. 瑪莉學西班牙語(的目的)只是為了通過她的考試。 註:to pass here exam 修釋 studies

2006-03-25 23:50:08 補充:
1.represent在此是什麼作用,它是動詞,是否省略了which??? - No. It is "have + O + (to) VR"

2.native to the United States是否為補語的修飾語 - No. 它只是 adj.的後位修飾 修飾 family

3. His purpose is to make his friends accept his ideas.此句形是使役動詞,所以accept 之不置入to 是這樣吧 - Yes.

2006-03-25 08:47:40 · answer #1 · answered by River 7 · 0 0

了which??? native to the United States 是否為補語的修飾語.可否再一次的詳細說明,Thanks

2006-03-25 23:23:23 補充:
還有,His purpose is to make his friends accept his ideas.此句形是使役動詞,所以accept 之不置入to ,是這樣吧.

2006-03-26 00:18:14 補充:
了解了,所以to 是必然要省略的,感謝...

2006-03-25 18:07:00 · answer #2 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

beV + to V 這個句型,乃表達目的之意。可以把這個句型的to想成in order to, 這樣就會比較好理解。The intention was to have the collection represent at least one member          S.                V. 使役v.of each flower family native to the United States.其目的,為的是讓所蒐集到的資料或樣品(collection),能代表每種美國本土花系之中的至少一種。其他例句如:His purpose is to make his friends accept his ideas.(他的目的是要讓他的朋友們接受他的主意。)

2006-03-25 08:19:03 · answer #3 · answered by Jeff Chen 7 · 0 0

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