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翻英英字典找不到, 可能是我的太爛了
麻煩大家告訴我 step over的中文意思

2006-03-16 17:44:31 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 里里安 1 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

step over 的中文意思就是:越過了... (某件事物)這個用詞可以用在物理上或心理上的敘述, 和中文的意思相似. 另外, 一般來說, 這個字與 line 最常一起搭配, 和 cross over the line 的意思一樣.例句:You have really stepped over the line this time你這次越過了界限 (你這次超過了可容忍的範圍之外)Don't step over the marked line while waiting for the train等火車時不要超越劃好的線希望以上的解釋對版主有所幫助

2006-03-16 23:27:40 補充:
以下是新浪網字典所提供的例句:step over to the corner.走向角落Will you step over to my office after work?下班后到我辦公室來一趟好嗎?Will you kindly step over here to this showcase?您能到陳列柜看看嗎?Will you please step over to the foreign exchange service?您到外幣兌換處好嗎?

2006-03-16 23:28:28 補充:
She step over to the other side to avoid meeting him.她走到大街另一邊,避免與他相遇。They had to step over piles of broken bricks when they went to see their new house being built.他們去看正在建造的新房子時,他們不得不跨過一堆堆碎磚頭。

2006-03-16 23:29:02 補充:
Would you like to step over to my office?I have a suggestion that may be to your advantage.你愿意到我辦公室來一趟嗎?我有一個建議也許對你有利。

2006-03-16 23:32:01 補充:
另外要補充的是, step over 的定義是"橫越, 跨過", 比我之前所寫的定義稍微多一點.

2006-03-16 02:20:06 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0


2006-03-17 16:23:04 補充:
後面加上 to 才有別的意思step over to = 走到.......去

2006-03-16 19:21:17 · answer #2 · answered by Ching Yao 2 · 0 0

在足球裡 step over 就是採單車過人
現役球員裡 Robinho, C.Ronaldo, J.Cole, Deco, Ronaldinho等人都是step over 專家

2006-03-16 18:59:55 · answer #3 · answered by WT 7 · 0 0

它是顯示 --- Step Over 單步

2006-03-16 02:10:22 · answer #4 · answered by kenny 2 · 0 0

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