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Father of the Scotch aristocracy was capable of betraying at the moment.
Originally, Scotch soldier and demos, they hate the England king’s governance to the very marrow.
3. 他們紛紛投靠華勒
They seek help for Wallace.
4. 他們要和華勒一起爭取他們的權力及自由
They went to win their power and freedom with Wallace together.
5. 終於他們推翻了英王的統治,爭取到他們想要的自由
Finally, they have overthrown the England king’s governance that wins their power and freedom they want it.
6. 因此人民想要推舉華勒當蘇格蘭的國王
So, demos want to recommend Wallace to be a king.
7. 可是被華勒拒絕了
But Wallace refused to be a king.
8. 在華勒的心裡,他只想要帶著妻子及小孩組識一個美滿的家庭
He only wants to bring his wife and kids to make a happy family in Wallace’s heart.
9. 因此他帶著伊莎貝公主到山林去隱居起來了
He brings the princess to live in privacy.
10. 從此以後就再也沒有人看過他們
Form now on, nobody has seen to them any more.
11. 可是在人民的心中他們永遠記得華勒這個人
However, they remember Wallace in people’s heart forever.
12. 並且將華勒的故事告訴他們的子孫
They would to tell their children about Wallace’s story.
13. 讓他們的子孫知道自由是要靠自己去爭取的,也要他們要去效法華勒.
Let their children know to win freedom by themselves, and to follow Wallace lead.



2006-03-15 18:23:22 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 匿名 1 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

When the father of Scotch royalty betrayed Wallace,....

The scotch soldiers and citizens hated the king of Britain to the bones.

3. 他們紛紛投靠華勒
They joined Wallace one by one.

4. 他們要和華勒一起爭取他們的權力及自由
They fought for their rights and freedom along with Wallace.

5. 終於他們推翻了英王的統治,爭取到他們想要的自由
Finally, they have overthrown the English King's regime and won the rights and freedom.

6. 因此人民想要推舉華勒當蘇格蘭的國王
Therefore, the people proposed Wallace the King of Scotland.

7. 可是被華勒拒絕了
But Wallace refused.

8. 在華勒的心裡,他只想要帶著妻子及小孩組識一個美滿的家庭
In Wallace's heart, he just wanted a happy family with his wife and children.

9. 因此他帶著伊莎貝公主到山林去隱居起來了
That was why he and the Princess Esabelle isolated themselves in the woods.

10. 從此以後就再也沒有人看過他們
Nobody had ever seen them again eversince.

11. 可是在人民的心中他們永遠記得華勒這個人
But, Wallace and his deeds were always remembered by the people.

12. 並且將華勒的故事告訴他們的子孫, 讓他們的子孫知道自由是要靠自己去爭取的,也要他們要去效法華勒.
They telltale about Wallace's story, letting their sons and grandsons know that they should fight for freedom like they used to be, they should look up to Wallace.

2006-03-17 20:05:47 · answer #1 · answered by terrydada 3 · 0 0

看到兩位翻的 "恨之入骨"
其實是笑死我啦... 哈哈哈

2006-03-16 02:26:05 · answer #2 · answered by helen 7 · 0 0

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