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2006-03-09 18:23:22 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

A1 現在簡單式:
1. 現在的事實與狀態 Mary is a nurse and she lives in Taichung.
2. 現在的習慣動作 Mary usually gets up at 7:30 every day.
3. 不變的真實 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.

A2 過去簡單式:過去的動作、狀態、事實 Alice lost her purse last night.
註 過去的習慣動作 Judy used to go mountains climbing last year.

A3 未來簡單式:未來的動作、狀態、事實
Jack shall (is going to) go to Taipei tomorrow.
shall – 無意志未來 – Shall you…? (X) – Will you…? (O)
will – 有意志未來 – Will I…?(X) – Shall I (we ,he, )…? (我可以…嗎?)

B1 現在進行式 :(am, is, are + V-ing) 現在正在進行的動作
Peter is talking on the phone now.
Where are you going now? I am leaving soon.

B2 過去進行式: (was, were + V-ing)過去正在進行的動作
Peter was taking a bath at 8:30 p.m. last night.

B3 未來進行式: (shall, will + be + V-ing) 未來將正在進行的動作
Peter will be teaching at 10:00a.m. tomorrow.

C1 現在完成式 (have, has + p.p.)
1. 現在剛剛完成的動作(+just, already, yet, now)
Mike has just got home.
2. 過去完成的動作延伸至今的狀態(know, sick, live, married, dead)
My uncle has been sick for three weeks.
3. 從過去到現在動作的經驗 (ever, never, before, once, twice…)
Have you ever been to Japan? – I have been there twice. (經驗)
Has Mr. White gone to Japan? – Yes, he has already gone there. (完成)

C2 過去完成式
When I got to the station, the train had left.
I had seen him very often before he came to live in Taichung.
Mr. & Mrs. Harrison had been married for five years when I met him.

C3 未來完成式 (shall, will + have + p.p.)
I shall have finished my homework by tomorrow morning.

D 完成進行式:
D1 現在完成進行式 (have, has been V-ing)
Mr. Brown has been teaching since 9:00a.m.

D2 過去完成進行式 (had been V-ing)
Mr. Brown had been teaching for 2 hours when his son came.

D3 未來完成進行式 (shall, will have been V-ing)
Mr. Brown will have been flying for 10 hours when his stops at Tokyo at 2:00 p.m. tomorrow.

2006-03-10 08:09:58 補充:
I am an English teacher.

2006-03-09 10:38:46 · answer #1 · answered by River 7 · 0 0


時態句型 現在 ;過去;未來
簡單As / Aes;Aed; Will / shall + A
進行 Be + Aing(am、are、is);Was / were + Aing;Will / shall + be + Aing
完成 Have / has + C;Had + C;Will / shall + have + C
完成進 Have / has + been + Aing;Had + been + Aing;Will / shall + have + been + Aing
(1)Most countries spend a large portion of their budget providing education for their citizens. (2)They played tennis in the evening when they finished their work.
(3)The experiment will be completed in three days.
(4)I am learning English now.
(5)It was raining heavily when we started to jog.
(6)We shall be studying all the day tomorrow.
(7)In the past 200 years, the earths atmosphere has become enriched in carbon dioxide.
(8)Never had Peter seen such a beautiful girl.
(9)He will have finished his word by six oclock.
(10)The boy has been crying for an hour.
(11)He had been listening to the radio until her father rushed in.
(12)By next year, we shall have been learning for three years.


2006-03-09 23:57:53 補充:

2006-03-09 02:52:37 · answer #2 · answered by Kaoru 2 · 0 0

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