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1. When I said I\'d do this project, I bit off more than I could chew, and now regret it because I have no time for my family or friends.
2. A:She has a fever, and Ibet tomorrow we\'ll all be sick.
B:Bite your tongue!
3. I have to get something off my chest. It\'s been bothering me for a long time.
4. You know, those two politicians wouldn\'t be caught dead with each other.
若照字面翻的話 (someone) wouldn\'t be caught dead (with someone) 是指什麼動作或行為因而衍生出這樣的慣用語,例如我翻:(某人)覺對不會被(某人)抓住,而衍生出(某人)無論如何也不與(某人)在一起。
順便一問 dead 在這是副詞嗎?在這直接從字面上是什麼意思?
5. be taken aback (by a comment or some news)
我想知道從字面上是翻做什麼而衍生出大吃一驚的意思,是翻做被撤回嗎?還有跟 be taken back 有何差別?


2006-02-23 10:14:12 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ㄚ勇 3 in 社會與文化 語言

Definition: reveal something (usually a confession or complaint) that has been bothering you

2006-02-23 13:06:06 · update #1


2006-02-23 13:08:34 · update #2

請問 Free Willy
為何 dead 在此是做形容詞而不是做副詞

2006-02-23 13:25:33 · update #3

3 個解答

1. When I said I'd do this project, I bit off more than I could chew, and now regret it because I have no time for my family or friends.
2. A:She has a fever, and Ibet tomorrow we'll all be sick.
B:Bite your tongue!
A: 她發燒了,我賭明天我們都要生病了。
B: 閉嘴!
3. I have to get something off my chest. It's been bothering me for a long time.
4. You know, those two politicians wouldn't be caught dead with each other.
dead 是形容詞的後位修飾法,是說被抓到時是死的狀態。
5. be taken (by a comment or some news)
aback 有在後的意思,所以 be taken aback 就是被(在後的)不能預見的事物給帶走,翻的白話一點就是:被評論/新聞給嚇了一大跳(大吃一驚)。

2006-02-22 18:43:37 · answer #1 · answered by ? 4 · 0 0

1的 I bit off more than I could chew類似"口出狂言"或是"誇下海口"...
2的Bite your tongue於此對話中,類似"烏鴉嘴"...
3的get something off my chest,類似"不吐不快"....
4的wouldn't be caught dead with each other,類似"不會互踩痛腳"...但是不是很確定!

2006-02-23 10:40:23 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1. 當我答應做這個專案時, 我不顧一切地排除萬難. (應該是beat off吧!)
2. A: 她在發燒, 我敢打賭我們明天會都會生病.
B: 閉嘴!

3. 我得去放鬆一些壓力, 這已經困擾我很久了

4. 你要知道, 那二個政客不會被對方打倒.

5. be taken aback 表示因為....而打住. (停止繼續行動的意圖或行為)

2006-02-22 18:45:49 · answer #3 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0

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