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In many of the deep pools of the streams and rivers guardian-demons were believed to reside, and it was dangerous to bathe in them. Sometimes, when a castle or mansion was being sacked, a faithful servant or two contrived to rescue the plate chest, and to cast it into a deep pool in the nearest stream.On one occasion a diver was got to got to the bottom of such a pool to fetch up the plate of the neighboring castle. He dived, saw the plate chest, and was preparing to lift it, when the demon ordered him to go to the surface at once, and not to come back. At the same time the demon warned him that, if he did come back, he would forfeit his life. The diver obeyed. When he reached the bank he told what he had seen, and what he had heard.紅字的部分是在說什麼呢?being sacked是什麼意思?rescue the plate chest又是什麼意思勒?實在懂這一句話是在說什麼呢?請知道的人幫幫忙解釋一下吧,謝謝**黑色的部分不用理它,只是前後文而已..tks

2006-02-13 13:32:56 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Caitlin 7 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

紅字的部分是在說什麼呢?Sometimes, when a castle
or mansion was being sacked, a faithful servant or two contrived to
rescue the plate chest, and to cast it into a deep pool in the nearest
stream.有時候, 當城堡或者豪宅被洗劫/偷盜時, 會有一兩個忠實的僕人試著搶救裝盔甲的寶箱, 而將它丟進附近溪河中的深處.being sacked是什麼意思?being sacked 通常是被開除的意思, 這來自sack (沙包, 打包) - 老闆叫你打包, 也就是叫你離職的意思. 但在這段英文裡是被別人來sack - 別人來你的城堡裡打包, 就是搶劫的意思.rescue the plate chest又是什麼意思勒?chest 就像treasure chest 一樣的意思, 是裝東西的大盒子. plate 是指armour, 古代金屬很稀少, 盔甲是很值錢, 也有很多象徵性(譬如家族/地位/榮譽等等)的物品, 所以在搶劫時必須保護. 這段話解釋了這個現象, 並且介紹一般僕人會做的動作 - 將他丟到附近的深水中(太重帶不走, 所以等未來回來撈).注: 這是英式英文的意解 如有不適合的地方還請見諒

2006-02-13 14:06:01 · answer #1 · answered by WT 7 · 0 0


2014-05-31 15:57:11 · answer #2 · answered by 成齊 1 · 0 0


2014-05-22 22:34:56 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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