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以下為我自己寫的東西 請糾正文法或用法上的錯誤 並解釋正確用法 謝謝~
Recently I had a chance to read through a reflection paper from one of my high school classmates. She wrote about the trip to be back to her hometown where she grew up. The paper she wrote about had triggered me to think about a lot of stuff in my mind. Because of that reflection thought, I always had a question in my mind jumping out acquiring what has ailed the ethics and moralities in us as humankind….

In the ancient time, there were many nations in the world that had good civilization, and what makes the world keeps going down as we can see in today’s world has worried many of us. To find out where and what the problem is can not only help us get rid of this big tumor of all mankind’s life but also improve a better and welfare.

I am not trying to blame anyone or anything, but I always have this idea in my mind that the western countries had somehow altered a lot of the ethical concepts and moral notions in our society.

Without being brutal, (if that’s the word), I would like to draw out some lines and make my points by referring to the supportive sources that I have found.

2006-02-11 01:04:55 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 junecherry 2 in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

She wrote about going back to her home town where she grew up.

Her paper has inspired me to think through many stuffs that has been on my mind.

I always have.

......that had created great civilizations.

...a better welfare.

....that the western cultures had somehow changed....

Without being brutal (if that's the word)...

...and make my perspectives by...

2006-02-11 03:37:47 · answer #1 · answered by 奇摩浪客 6 · 0 0

sorry,我想問您有關紐約自助的民宿,mail是8856042@yahoo.com.tw, 因為您無接受來信,希望您給意見,謝

2006-04-29 15:34:28 補充:
更正v8856042@yahoo.com.tw 才是對的

2006-04-29 11:34:04 · answer #2 · answered by Love Autumn 3 · 0 0

謝謝菜英文的指教 經你這麼一說我也知道自己的弱點 實在該多做加強 只是有時很無力遇到瓶頸 如有任何好意見 請在多多指教 謝謝~

2006-02-13 23:25:00 · answer #3 · answered by junecherry 2 · 0 0

有顆善良的心是一種幸福 :你這篇英文的問題不在文法,而在語意表達很不清楚,讀者根本不知道你想要表達什麼。



2006-02-11 09:00:17 補充:
有顆善良的心是一種幸福 :


2006-02-11 03:57:03 · answer #4 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

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