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請幫忙翻成英文.盡量避免複製翻譯軟體的翻譯結果,希望可以力求順暢,重點是自傳的部 份.不論翻多少,歡迎踴躍發言,謝謝! 希望從事職務名稱:技術員/工程助理/工程師職務工作內容:希望可以從事軟硬體及資訊相關工作,尤以半導體體/光電或Layout方面尤佳,只要是軟硬體相關工作我都很樂意學習,IC設計與製程方面也很期待參與;其他諸如:電信業者/電腦系統週邊/電子業等也願意嚐試. 希望職務類別:半導體工程師   光電工程師   工程助理‧助理工程師希望從事產業:半導體相關業   光電通信器材相關業   電子相關製造業   所有資訊產業   MIS及軟體相關業希望工作地點:台北市全區   淡水.北海岸   新莊.五股.泰山   三重.蘆洲      希望待遇:月薪 3 萬 0 千元 - 4 萬 0 千元 希望休假制度:不拘多元工作意願:接受家教工作,接受派遣工作目前就業狀態:工作中(仍在職) 目前工作待遇:月薪3 萬0 千元 您的工作經驗累計:9~10年工作經驗 工作內容說明:這是一家電視購物公司,工作內容以客戶服務與電話行銷為主軸,透過電話線上服務締結訂單,以及挽留其他通路的訂單,追蹤客戶狀況與訂單帳款;再者,解決各種類的客訴問題,並提供完善的售後服務與各類諮詢(例如:帳款/商品內容與用法/配送進度/媒體報導等);另外了解各通路(電視/報紙/廣播/型錄/網路等)的行銷活動與作業流程,提供客戶多元的服務內容.工作內容說明:所屬部門為開通中心,將所有的各類寬頻申請進件作派件處理與建檔工作.加以分門別類,亦常支援歸檔部門的做歸檔作業,以及公務車之派件的收發,另外參與新產品的客戶意見調查工作.工作內容說明:從事生產線上各類機種的製作/組裝/加工,以及各類筆記型電腦的測試檢驗(如:各類主機板/ATS/INVERTER/INSTANT/CHARGE BOARD/CD ROM/TOUCH BOARD....等小卡)與零件/PCB等之裁切.另外支援錫爐的前置作業.工作內容說明:這是一家網路公司,主要業務負責推廣會員制的線上服務,諸如線上遊戲與網頁空間,透過行銷開發新會員,以提升業績目標.【 自 傳 】在下從事過多種業務開發工作,舉凡:電子商務/股票/大腸水療/多層次傳銷/文具批發....等.亦從事多種服務性質工作,諸如:KTV/餐廳/壽司連鎖業/網路咖啡廳....等.參與過多種演藝競賽活動, 頗獲佳績.然後, 亦曾以中西合併的畫風配合篆刻,參與文藝展覽,秉持著認真熱忱的敬業精神,於各業職場認真工作,履從是多種工作,頗獲好評.之前工作乃在生產線上從事測試,各類主機板/ATS/INVERTER/INSTANT/CHARGE BOARD/CD ROM/TOUCH BOARD....等小卡是測試範圍.另外也從事組裝與零件/PCB之裁切,轉換跑道之際,望各業前輩,多多指教.近期從東森寬頻轉至相關企業東森購物任職,從中充分利用所學,在業績與售後服務上,頗見佳績,屢次蟬聯業績王與訂單王,在商品知識的了解以及客服應對上經驗純熟.去年的課外學習重點著重於中醫的初步學習,參加去年的中醫師檢定考,但目前重心著重於電機/資訊相關能力的培養,故轉向本科相關知識做加強.目前在校內跟隨智慧型自動控制實驗室著手CCD CAPTURE的專題,學習一些控制8051單晶片與馬達的程式,並從中學習介面轉換的程式如何應用,以及基本的機器人製作架構,下學期的學習方向在韌體方面為:(FPGA->VHDL->MAXPLUS-II的複習與進階學習)->Nios,硬體方面為:SWILLWORK,並利用軟體加強洗電路版的能力;手中另一8051的陽春型計算機專題已完成軟體部分,下學期將完成出硬體實作部分.基於職涯規劃的長期目標,希望從事軟硬體與資訊相關工作,增長相關見聞,從中學習,並貢獻所學,遂轉換跑到之際,理想的求職對象為半導體業/光電業/電腦週邊相關行業/電子電機相關行業.....,希望能對製程與IC電路設計有更深入的了解,另外對Layout也有濃厚興趣,若有機會,希望貴公司能多多栽培,樂意從工作中學習,期許未來能將數位與類比兩方面都學有所成,亦從中發揮所學,對公司能有更多的貢獻,進而更深入從事相關領域.

2006-02-10 05:03:59 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 小神醫 4 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

Hope to be engaged in the post name: Technician / project assistant / engineer
Working content of the post: Is it can engaged in software and hardware and information is it work to correlated with to hope, or Layout particularly good with semiconductor body / photoelectricity particularly, so long as software and hardware relevant job I willing to study, IC design and make Cheng not to expect to participate in very much too; Other such as: The telecommunication industry person / the computer system perimeter / electron industry ,etc. would like to try too.
Hope for the post classification : Semiconductor engineer Photoelectric engineer Project assistant ¡¤ assistant engineer
Hope to be engaged in the industry: Relevant family property of the semiconductor Photoelectric relevant family property of communication apparatus Relevant manufacturing industry of electron All information industry MISs and relevant family property of software
Hope in the job site: The whole district of Taibei Fresh water Northern coast New village Five shares Mount Tai Triple Luzhou
Hope for the treatment : Monthly pay 3 or ten thousand 0 thousand yuan- 4 or ten thousand 0 thousand yuan
Hope for the holiday system: Regardless of
Plural working will: Accept the family education job, accept the work of sending

Employment state at present: In the work (still on the job)
Working treatment at present: Monthly pay is 3 Ten thousand or 0 thousand yuan
Your working experience is added up to: Working experience of 90 years

希望有幫上你的忙~>  ”<+

2006-02-10 12:37:09 · answer #1 · answered by 白白 3 · 0 0

seo軟體、行銷軟體、facebook粉絲留言軟體、部落格發文軟體、發商品文賺獎金的軟體,請看喔喔-> http://urx.nu/4X33

2015-08-20 22:57:52 · answer #2 · answered by 小雅 1 · 0 0

可以看看這裏的行銷軟體吧, http://www.softwowo.com/

2013-08-12 19:34:06 · answer #3 · answered by Synthiam 1 · 0 0


2006-02-22 23:26:00 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

The hope works on the duty name: Technician/engineering's assistant/engineerThe duty work content: The hope can work on the related work of the soflectiont & hardware and information, particularly giving or getting an electric shock with the semi-conductor body/light or Layout especially good, as long as is the related work of the soflectiont & hardware I am all very glad to learn, the IC designs to also expect to participate very much with manufacturing process;Other such as:telecommunication operator/computer the system periphery/electronic industry etc. also would like to try.  Hope profession: The semi-conductor engineer's light gives or gets an electric shock the engineer the engineering assistant.assistant engineerThe hope works on the industry: The related industry of the related manufacturing industry all information industry MIS and software of the related industry electronics of the related industry light electricity correspondence device of the semi-conductorHope to work location:The whole area fresh water in Taipei City.the north coast is lately Chuang. five.Mount Taishan three heavy.蘆 continent       Hope treatment: Monthly salary 30,000 dollars- 4 100000 dollarsHope to be on leave the system: Don't stick toDiverse work will:Accepting the family training works, accepting to send the workTake up employment the appearance currently: In the work(still incumbency)Work currently treatment: Monthly salary 30,000 dollarsYour work experience total amount: 10 years of 9~ work experience    The work content explanation:This is an appliance to see the shopping company, working content with customer serve and telemarketing for principal axis, form the order through the telephone on-line service, and request the order of other thoroughfares to stay, make track for

2006-02-20 09:38:08 · answer #5 · answered by Ashley 7 · 0 0

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