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我的名字Alice 今年17歲 我家中有各一個弟妹和我最喜歡的寵物兔子
這隻兔子是去年的暑假買的 牠身上有兩種顏色 黑和白 看起來挺可愛的 不過牠最近越來越胖了 變的挺愛吃的
另外我最喜歡的歌手就屬布蘭妮和一青窈了 這兩位歌手是完全兩極的類型 ㄧ位屬於性感型的 另ㄧ位則屬於清秀創作型才女 不過她們的歌聲卻很受我喜愛 以後我還是會繼續支持她們的
日子過的很快 我已經要升上高一下了 所以要比上學期更加積極的念書 才能夠分到前段班
希望在未來的日子裡 我能夠開開心心的度過接下來的兩年半 並且能夠如願的考上我喜愛的大學

麻煩各位幫幫忙 請翻譯能有高中的程度 謝謝

2006-02-09 04:54:31 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 Alice 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

My name Alice this year 17 years old, in my family had pet rabbit this rabbit which each sister-in-law and I most liked are last year summer vacation buy, on its body had two kind of colors, black and white, looked like very lovably, but it more and more has recently been fat, changed very likes eating Moreover I most like the singer was blanny and one has been blue, these two singers were the complete two-pole types, A the position belonged to the sex appeal, ㄧ the position belonged to the delicate creation talented woman in addition, but their singing sound actually very much received me to like, later I or will be able to continue to support them Day very quick, I already have had to rise high, therefore must compared to on semester more positive studying, be able to divide to the front section class The hope in the future day, I will be able happy two years which will pass receives half, and will be able like to hope the university which will test me to like.

2006-02-09 11:49:58 補充:

2006-02-09 06:47:24 · answer #1 · answered by 秋妹 2 · 0 0


2006-02-09 22:28:40 · answer #2 · answered by movenda 3 · 0 0

( Alice ) : My name is Alice.................................................................................................................................................................. Thanks ( teacher ) : Good !!

2006-02-09 05:55:26 · answer #3 · answered by 酷酷♀隴♂ 1 · 0 0

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