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兩人都會心一笑,沒找著什麼印度菜,晚餐就選擇了小城上的Pizza Hut,Raymond一邊抱怨這兒的Pizza太貴,一邊卻說「Lady doesn’t pay.」
他遞給她一塊熱騰騰Pizza,一面啜著啤酒,自我安慰:「你知道這個世界上很多事情並不像選啤酒這麼簡單。總是有很多冒險。吃Pizza Hut也不錯,你知道,旅行中最常冒險的就是食物了!」

2006-01-26 21:28:23 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ISAIAH 3 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

He nods, "I know what you mean. The signs here only tell you which way to go, but not where you are."
"You are absolutely right! However, not many people truely know which directions/roads they have taken in life."
They exchange a smile.
Unable to find an Indian restaurant, they decide to go to Pizza Hut in town.
Although Raymond says, "the lady doesn't have to pay," he still complains about the food being too expensive here.
"You really don't have to do this. We could go Dutch."
"Yeah, we'll visit Netherlands someday." He laughs, "let's get some Dutch beer, about about Heineken?"
"I'd like Miller." She finally speaks up. But, there isn't any American beer on the wine list.
"Give them a break, miss. We are on a small European island!" Finally, they choose two bottles of Danish beer, Carlsberg.
He passes her a piece of pizza. While taking his sip, he cheers himself up and says, "there are lots of things in this world that are not as simple as choosing a beer; there will always be risks. Pizza Hut is fine too, you know, one of the most dangerous things while traveling is food poisoning."

2006-01-27 04:12:17 · answer #1 · answered by Peta 1 · 0 0


2006-02-01 05:22:17 · answer #2 · answered by ISAIAH 3 · 0 0


兩人都會心一笑,沒找著什麼印度菜,晚餐就選擇了小城上的Pizza Hut,Raymond一邊抱怨這兒的Pizza太貴,一邊卻說「Lady doesn’t pay.」
他遞給她一塊熱騰騰Pizza,一面啜著啤酒,自我安慰:「你知道這個世界上很多事情並不像選啤酒這麼簡單。總是有很多冒險。吃Pizza Hut也不錯,你知道,旅行中最常冒險的就是食物了!」

He orders:"I know your meanings, signpost here's often just telling should walk where, but don't tell you the person over there."
"You can say that again a pole! however the life is thus also most, few the person really knows oneself walks which on the road!"
Two people are all knowing on smiling, do not find what India vegetables, the dinner chooses the Pizza Hut of small city, Raymond part the Pizza of the complaint is too expensive, but the part say "Lady doesn' t pay."
"You really don't need to pay! we can be Hollander oh!"
"Hereafter there is chance going to again Holland!" he smiles to answer by pun, "now, drink Holland beer first like, Heineken how?"
"Beer I like the United States joy." she is finally brave to announce an opinion.But there is no US citizenship beer on wine list.
"Young lady is an European islet here. your 饒 they!" is finally compromised, they chose two bottles of"嘉 private 伯 ", going to Denmark.
He passes a piece of steaming hot Pizza to her, a啜 wears beer, comforting by one's own:"You know this a lot of things to also be unlike to choose beer so simply in the world. always have a lot of adventures. eat Pizza Hut also good, you know, in the trip most often risky of was a food!"

2006-01-29 01:18:47 · answer #3 · answered by Ashley 7 · 0 0

He said while nodding his head,“I know what you mean. The road signs here just tell you where to go but do not tell you where you are.”
“You are right! But that is life, and not many people know where they are.”
兩人都會心一笑,沒找著什麼印度菜,晚餐就選擇了小城上的Pizza Hut,Raymond一邊抱怨這兒的Pizza太貴,一邊卻說「Lady doesn’t pay.」
They smiled in consensus. They didn't find any Indian food, so they chose the Pizza Hut in town. Raymond complained that the pizzas were expensive and that “Lady doesn't pay.”
“You really don't have to treat me! We can be Dutch people!”
“We will go Dutch when we have a chance,” he replied with a pun and a smile. “Now, let's have some Dutch bear. How about Heineken?”
“I prefer Miller,” she finally expressed her opinion bravely, but the wine list did not have any American bear.
“Miss, this is a little island in Europe, so please be nice to them!” In the end, they chose Carlsberg and went to Denmark.
他遞給她一塊熱騰騰Pizza,一面啜著啤酒,自我安慰:「你知道這個世界上很多事情並不像選啤酒這麼簡單。總是有很多冒險。吃Pizza Hut也不錯,你知道,旅行中最常冒險的就是食物了!」
He passed to her a piece of hot pizza. While sipping his bear, he comforted himself by saying, “You know that many things in the world are not as easy as choosing a bear, because there is always danger. Eating at Pizza Hut is not bad at all, because the danger we run into in travel is getting food.”

2006-01-27 04:20:31 · answer #4 · answered by linsenshou 3 · 0 0

He nods: ' I know your meaning, where signpost here is often just told to go, but does not tell you where it is . '
' you right very much! But life is like this mostly, few people really know on which road oneself walk! ' , Raymond but talk about ' Lady doesn ' t pay while complaining that Pizza here is too expensive. '
' you really no need the host to entertain! We can act as Dutchmans oh! '
' have an opportunity go Holland! ' he answers smiling at with the pun, ' now, it is good to drink Dutch beer first, sea Buddhist nun root how is it? '
' beer I like beauty happy. ' she expressed an opinion bravely at last. But there is not any beer of U.S.A. on the wine list.
' Miss, here is the island of Europe. Please forgive them! ' trade off finally, last two bottles they ' good person uncle ',last Denmark. Whether
he pass her one steaming hot Pizza, one side sob beer, I since comfort. ' you know that a lot things in the world are not as so simple as to select beer. Always have a lot of risks. It is good too to eat Pizza Hut, as you know, it is food that take risks most frequently in travel! '

2006-01-26 21:38:04 · answer #5 · answered by lulu 2 · 0 0

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