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天龍特攻隊裡的怪頭 Mr.T現實生活中的職業為何?是專業演員還是摔角選手?

2006-01-19 04:28:19 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 ? 5 in 娛樂與音樂 電視 戲劇

3 個解答

做過的工作有健身房教練  憲兵  顧門口的(舞廳或是娛樂場所)私人保鑣   曾做過 史蒂夫麥昆(跟李小龍學過拳  李小龍過世他抬棺幫忙入殮)拳王阿里  黛安納羅絲的私人保鑣  四十三歲診斷罹患癌症  四十九歲打倒病魔痊癒  現在還活著 (真猛)Previous occupations include gym teacher, military policeman, bouncer and bodyguard.Once worked as a bouncer and a bodyguard to Steve McQueen, Muhammad Ali & Diana Ross.Diagnosed with cancer in 1995 at age 43. Beating the disease in 2001 at age 49.

2006-01-19 15:53:18 補充:
在職業學校就讀時 是美式足球明星 學過武術 三屆的市摔角冠軍He attended Dunbar Vocational High School. He was a football star, studied martial arts, and was three times city wrestling champion. He won a scholarship to play football at Prairie View A&M University in Texas, but he was thrown out after a year.

2006-01-19 10:48:18 · answer #1 · answered by gmaxsun 7 · 0 0

不不不!Mr.T 現在不僅還活著而且依舊頭好壯壯喔!Mr.T今年52歲,他的2006最新電視影集I Pity the Fool 才正要在全美上檔吶!但不知台灣會不會播映...

2006-05-07 08:19:54 · answer #2 · answered by ? 6 · 0 0


2006-04-17 03:44:24 · answer #3 · answered by 2 · 0 0

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