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想請問幾個what if的句子該如何翻譯,希望有人能幫我解答~~

What if we did things the way our competition did them?

What if we ended up on the endcap at Wal-Mart?

What if we had to pay dispose of anything our customers threw away?

還有想請問,為何 if(如果)前面要加what,可否解釋文法,謝謝^^

2006-01-17 05:56:44 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2 in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

what if 其實是what (will/would happen) if S + V 的一種省略寫法,現在多已將what if當成一個疑問詞來看!What if ....的意思表示"萬一...如何?" "要是...怎麼辦?"!大約是這樣的意思,實際翻法要看整句話而定!What if we did things the way our competition did them?要是我們也按照對手的方式做事會如何?What if we ended up on the endcap at Wal-Mart?(這句話的endcap語意不清,好像是某種"套管""接頭"還是某種零件?)要是我們最後要跟沃爾瑪(一家公司)買套管(endcap)的話呢?What if we had to pay dispose of anything our customers threw away?要是我們必須要處理掉我們的客戶丟掉的所有東西的話要怎麼辦?

2006-01-17 06:09:37 · answer #1 · answered by Adam 7 · 0 0


2006-01-17 07:59:57 · answer #2 · answered by 銘哥 7 · 0 0

Bravo, Adam!!

2006-01-17 07:56:51 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0


2006-01-17 06:12:24 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

首先,what if 的意思應該是如果(事情如此發生),該怎麼辦?也就是
What (should we do) if... or What(will happen) if...
所以 1. 如果我們處理這件事的方式和對手一樣怎麼辦?
2. endcap 看不懂,無法解答
3. 如果客戶的丟棄物處理費用必須由我們來付,怎麼辦?

2006-01-17 06:11:30 · answer #5 · answered by 阿珊 3 · 0 0

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