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Ms. Liu's Spo2 is 100% and her carboxyhemoglobin level is less than 10%, so she doesn't need a bronchoscopy. If her pulmonary status remains stable, she'll be weaned off oxygen. If she has no respiratory distress with activity, the oxygen therapy will be discontinued. Monitor her for hypothermia. Her temperature is now 97.2° F (36.2° C).

Assessing burns
During the secondary systems survey, you'll assess Ms. Liu's burn wounds. Finding out what percentage of her body surface area (BSA) is burned will help you determine her need for fluid resuscitation.

The burns don't cover a large part of her body, and the blisters on her nose and lips are intact. Her right palm, index finger, and middle finger have a line of blisters consistent with holding the hot pan handle. Her lateral right upper arm and forearm have a shiny, wet wound with bright red borders and a whiter center. This wound extends over her elbow, down to her wrist, and into the web space between her thumb and index finger. The wound isn't circumferential, and she has a palpable radial pulse and good capillary refill in her fingers. (As burn wound edema increases, circumferential wounds on extremities may cause progressive extremity ischemia or compartment syndrome, and circumferential torso wounds may interfere with ventilation.) Ms. Liu also has a small (8 × 5-cm) partial-thickness burn on her abdomen.

2006-01-13 09:18:57 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 papa 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

Ms. Liu's Spo2 is 100% and her carboxyhemoglobin level is less than 10%, so she doesn't need a bronchoscopy.劉女士的血氧濃度是100%而她的血紅素一氧化碳量低於10%. If her pulmonary status remains stable, she'll be weaned off oxygen.如果她肺部情況穩定她就不須要使用氧氣筒 If she has no respiratory distress with activity, the oxygen therapy will be discontinued.如果她活動時不覺得呼吸窘迫就不須要高壓氧治療 Monitor her for hypothermia. Her temperature is now 97.2° F (36.2° C).觀察她有否體溫過低.她現在的體溫是華氏97.2度(攝氏36.2度)Assessing burnse灼傷的評估During the secondary systems survey, you'll assess Ms. Liu's burn wounds.在二度系統觀察中,你將評估劉女士的灼傷程度 Finding out what percentage of her body surface area (BSA) is burned will help you determine her need for fluid resuscitation.找出她身體表面灼傷的比率可以決定她是否須要輸液救護.The burns don't cover a large part of her body, and the blisters on her nose and lips are intact她身體灼傷範圍並不大,鼻子上及嘴唇上的水泡沒有破Her right palm, index finger, and middle finger have a line of blisters consistent with holding the hot pan handle.她的右手掌,小指 ,及中指有一道水泡證明她抓著熱鍋柄 Her lateral right upper arm and forearm have a shiny, wet wound with bright red borders and a whiter center.她右前臂及右上臂側面有旁邊紅色中間白色且閃亮的液狀燒傷 This wound extends over her elbow, down to her wrist, and into the web space between her thumb and index finger. 這種傷勢從她的手肘延伸至手腕及姆指至小指中間的蹼 The wound isn't circumferential, and she has a palpable radial pulse and good capillary refill in her fingers.傷勢並不是環繞性灼傷而且可以摸到她的橈動脈脈搏(As burn wound edema increases, circumferential wounds on extremities may cause progressive extremity ischemia or compartment syndrome, and circumferential torso wounds may interfere with ventilation.)(當灼傷水腫增強環繞性灼傷的開放傷口可能引起缺血或腔室症候群而環形灼傷可能引起呼吸困難) Ms. Liu also has a small (8 × 5-cm) partial-thickness burn on her abdomen. 在劉女士腹部還有一個8x5公分左右厚度的燒傷

2006-01-15 18:52:18 · answer #1 · answered by undercvr 7 · 0 0

劉女士的Spo2是100%,她的carboxyhemoglobin 水準少于10%,因此她不需要bronchoscopy。 如果她的肺的地位保持穩定,她將被離氧使斷奶。 如果她沒有有活動的呼吸痛苦,氧治療將被中斷。 為低溫監控她。 她的溫度現下是97.2   F(36.2   C)。 評價燃燒 在二級系統概述期間,你將評價劉女士的燒傷傷口。 她的身體表面面積(BSA)的多少百分比被燒毀將幫助你確定她的對流動的復活的需要,發現。 燒傷不蓋住大部分她的身體,並且在她的鼻子和唇上的水泡是完整的。 她的右手掌,食指和中間手指讓與拿這個熱鍋一致的一排水泡處理。 上臂和前臂右的她最橫向的喝一發亮,濕繞與一起聰明紅邊境和一中心。 這個傷口在她的肘上方延長,到她的腕,和進在她的拇指和食指之間的網空間。 傷口不是circumferential, 並且她讓摸得出的半徑脈搏和好毛細管在手指裡再裝滿。 (當燒傷傷口水腫增加時, 在末端上的circumferential 傷口可能引起逐漸嚴重的末端局部缺血或者部分綜合症,並且circumferential 軀幹傷口可以干擾通風.) 劉女士也有小的(8 ⊙ 5厘米)部分濃度在她的腹部上燒傷。

2006-01-13 11:07:53 · answer #2 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

劉·的Spo2 女士是100% 並且她的carboxyhemoglobin 水平10% 是少於, 因此她不需要bronchoscopy 。如果她的肺狀態依然是穩定, 她將被斷絕氧氣。如果她沒有呼吸困厄以活動, 氧氣療法將被中斷。監測她為低體溫症。她的溫度現在是97.2.X F (36.2.X C).Assessing burnsDuring 次要系統調查, 您將估計劉女士的燒傷創傷。發現在什麼之外她的身體表面的百分比(BSA) 被燒將幫助您確定她的對流體resuscitation.The 燒傷的需要不報道她的身體的一大部份, 並且水泡在她的鼻子和嘴唇是原封的。她正確的棕櫚、索引手指, 和中指有水泡線一致與拿著熱的平底鍋把柄。她的側向正確的膀臂和前臂有一個發光, 濕創傷以明亮的紅色疆界和一個更加白色的中心。這個創傷延伸在她的手肘, 下來對她的腕子, 和入網空間在她的拇指和索引手指之間。創傷不是周圍的, 並且她有一種可觸知的輻形脈衝和好血絲替換物在她的手指裡。(因為燒傷使腫鼓增量受傷, 周圍創傷在肢也鳥伬P進步肢局部缺血或隔間綜合症狀, 並且周圍軀幹創傷也酗z涉透氣。) 劉女士並且有小(8 .6N 5 cm) 部份厚度燒傷在她的腹部。

2006-01-13 09:22:05 · answer #3 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

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