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Ms. Liu's eyebrows and lashes are singed and her nose and lips are blistered. Her face looks sunburned. Listen to her speak and be alert for changes in her voice; hoarseness could indicate edema and airway obstruction. She's coughing, so examine her sputum for soot and assess for dyspnea while listening to her lungs. You don't hear any wheezing or stridor, and she's not dyspneic. Use pulse oximetry to monitor Ms. Liu's oxygenation. Obtain an arterial blood gas analysis to provide a baseline.

Ms. Liu is at risk for developing pneumonia, the most common infectious complication among hospitalized burn patients. To reduce this risk, initiate aggressive pulmonary therapy, including coughing, deep breathing, suctioning, humidified oxygen, and mobilization of secretions. The pulmonologist or ED physician may add bronchodilating therapy to help remove sooty secretions. If necessary, the physician will also perform a fiber-optic bronchoscopy to examine the patient's airway for inflammation, edema, and the presence of soot and to gauge the extent of pulmonary damage.

2006-01-13 09:17:10 · 3 個解答 · 發問者 papa 1 in 社會與文化 語言

3 個解答

Ms. Liu's eyebrows and lashes are singed and her nose and lips are blistered. Her face looks sunburned.劉小姐的眉毛與睫毛有輕微燒焦.並且她的鼻子及嘴唇起水泡,她的臉看似曬傷Listen to her speak and be alert for changes in her voice; 聽她說話並且注意她聲音的改變,hoarseness could indicate edema and airway obstruction.沙啞的聲音就表示肺有水腫且氣道可能受阻 She's coughing, so examine her sputum for soot and assess for dyspnea while listening to her lungs.她正在咳嗽,所以檢查她的痰是否有煤灰,當你聽她的肺時評估是否有呼吸困難. You don't hear any wheezing or stridor, and she's not dyspneic.你沒有聽到喘息或喘鳴聲時 就表示她沒有呼吸困難症狀Use pulse oximetry to monitor Ms. Liu's oxygenation.用脈搏血氧計觀查 劉小姐的氧飽和功能 Obtain an arterial blood gas analysis to provide a baseline.拿取動脈血液二氧化碳測試值做為基準Ms. Liu is at risk for developing pneumonia, the most common infectious complication among hospitalized burn patients.劉小姐有發展成肺炎的危險性,那是最普遍住院燒傷病人因受感染而產生的併發症 To reduce this risk, initiate aggressive pulmonary therapy, including coughing, deep breathing, suctioning, humidified oxygen, and mobilization of secretions. 為了減少這個危險性,立刻給與積極肺部療法,包括咳嗽,深呼吸,抽痰,給與濕氧,使分泌物流通The pulmonologist or ED physician may add bronchodilating therapy to help remove sooty secretions. 肺科醫生或(ED--emergency department)急診醫生可能會再以氣管膨脹術幫助取出含煙的分泌物.If necessary, the physician will also perform a fiber-optic bronchoscopy to examine the patient's airway for inflammation, edema, and the presence of soot and to gauge the extent of pulmonary damage.如果有必要,醫生會以肺鏡檢查病人氣道是否發炎,呼吸困難.煤灰的存在並度量肺部受損的程度

2006-01-13 16:16:29 · answer #1 · answered by undercvr 7 · 0 0

劉女士的眼眉和鞭子被燒焦並且她的鼻子和嘴唇起水泡。她的面孔看起來晒傷。聽她講話和是機敏的為變化在她的聲音上; 嘶啞能表明腫鼓和航線堵塞。她咳嗽, 因此審查她的唾沫為煤灰和估計為呼吸困難當傾聽她的肺。您沒聽見任何喘息或stridor, 並且使用脈衝oximetry 監測劉女士的oxygenation 。獲得動脈血液氣體分析提供基礎線。

劉女士是在危險中為開發肺炎, 最共同的感染複雜化在住醫院的燒傷患者之中。減少這種風險, 創始進取的肺療法, 包括咳嗽, 深深呼吸, suctioning, 被濕潤的分泌物的氧氣, 和動員。pulmonologist 或ED 醫師也許增加bronchodilating 的療法來幫助去除煤煙灰分泌物。如果需要, 醫師並且將執行一光導纖維bronchoscopy 審查患者的導氣管為炎症、腫鼓, 和煤灰出現和測量程度肺損傷。

2006-01-13 12:08:19 · answer #2 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

Liu 女士眉毛和鞭子被唱,而且她的鼻子和唇被水泡。她的臉容貌曬黑。
聽她的話說並且是在她的聲音方面的改變警戒;沙啞可以指出水腫和空中航線障礙。她正在咳嗽,因此對於煤煙調查她的痰而且為呼吸困難估計當聽到她的肺的時候。你沒聽到任何的喘息或者 stridor ,而且她不是 dyspneic 。使用脈膊 oximetry 監視 Liu 女士以氧氣處理。獲得一項動脈的血瓦斯分析提供一個基線。

Liu 女士是置於險境對於發展中的肺炎,在住院的燒傷病人之中的最普通的有傳染性的複雜化。減少這風險,新加入的積極肺治療,包括咳嗽,深入地呼吸,吸,使潮濕氧 , 和分泌的動員。pulmonologist 或 Edmund 醫師可能增加 bronchodilating 治療幫助除去煤煙燻黑了的分泌。如果必需的,醫師也將表現光纖 bronchoscopy 為怒火,水腫調查病人的空中航線,和煤煙的出現和精確計量肺損害的範圍。

2006-01-13 11:01:36 · answer #3 · answered by 茵茵草綠 3 · 0 0

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