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Clarify meaning in the following paragraphs by revising sentence fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, problems with pronoun reference, awkward shifts, misplaced and dangling modifiers, and mixed and incomplete sentences. Most errors can be corrected in more than one way.
Many people who are physically challenged. They have accomplished much. Which proves that they are not “handicapped”. Confined to wheelchairs, successful careers have been forged by Bob Sampson and Stephen Hawking. Despite Sampson’s muscular dystrophy, he has earned a law degree he has also worked for United Airlines for more than thirty years. Stephen Hawking most famous for his book A Brief History of Time. Unable to speak, Hawking’s voice synthesizer allows him to dictate his books and conduct public lectures. And teach mathematics classes at Cambridge University.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ann Adams, and Itzhak Perlman all refused let polio destroy their lives. Indeed, Roosevelt led the United States during two of the worst periods of its history as President. The Great Depression and World War Ⅱ. Reassured by his strong, firm voice, Roosevelt inspired hope and determination in the American people. Ann Adams, who was talented in art before polio paralyzed her, knew she had to continue to be one. Having retrained herself to draw with a pencil grasped in her teeth. She produces sketches of children and pets. That were turned into greeting cards. The profits from the cards sustained her. Roosevelt and Adams were stricken with polio when they were adults: Itzhak Perlman when a child. He was unable to play sports, instead he studied the violin, now many think he is greater than any violinist in the world.

2006-01-12 18:25:20 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

Like Perlman, many Physically challenged individuals turn to the arts. Perhaps the reason is because the joy of artistic achievement compensates for other pleasures they cannot experience. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, and Andrea Bocelli all express, through their music, their souls.

2006-01-12 18:27:53 · update #1

Although unable to see physically, their music reveals truly how well they see. Hearing impairment struck Ludwig van Beethoven and Marlee Matlin it did not stop them from developing their talents.

2006-01-12 18:28:23 · update #2

Already a successful composer, many of Beethoven’s most powerful pieces were written after he became deaf. Similarly, Matlin has had excellent acting roles in movies, plays, and television programs, indeed she won an Oscar for Children of a Lesser God.

2006-01-12 18:29:01 · update #3

She encourages others to develop their ability, and many hearing-impaired actors have been inspired by her.

2006-01-12 18:29:25 · update #4


2006-01-12 18:29:58 · update #5


2006-01-12 18:35:10 · update #6

5 個解答

Many people who are physically challenged(,) (however) they have accomplished (so) much (x) (which) proves that they are not handicapped? (Being confined) to wheelchairs, (Bob Sampson and Stephen Hawking have been achieved successful careers in their lives). Despite Sampson's muscular dystrophy, he (had) earned a law degree (and) also (had) worked for United Airlines for more than thirty years. Stephen Hawking (is best known) for his book (")A Brief History of Time("). (Being unable) to speak, Hawking's voice synthesizer allows him to dictate his books and (to) conduct public lectures. And (he also was teaching) mathematics classes at Cambridge University.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ann Adams, and Itzhak Perlman all refused (to) let polio destroy their lives. (As matter as fact), Roosevelt led the United States during two of the worst periods of its history as President. The Great Depression and World War (had been reassured) by his strong (and) firm (will.) Roosevelt (had) inspired hope and determination (among) the American people. Ann Adams, who was talented in art before polio paralyzed her, knew she had to (learn to be independent). Having retrained herself to draw with a pencil grasped (between) her teeth(, she) produces sketches of children and pets. (Those sketches later) were turned into greeting cards. The profits from (selling) the cards (had) sustained her. Roosevelt and Adams were stricken (by) polio when they were adults, however, Itzhak Perlman (was stricken when he was only) a child. He was unable to play sports, instead he (played) the violin(. Now) many think he is (a greater violinist) than any (others) in the world.
Like Perlman, many (physically) challenged individuals turn to the arts. (The reason perhaps) is because the joy of (making an) artistic achievement compensates (x) other pleasures they (couldn't) experience. Ray Charles, Stevie Wonder, Jose Feliciano, and Andrea Bocelli all (were able to express) their music (and) their (talents).

2006-01-13 09:14:36 補充:
我是用英文版打的, 所以有些字打進中文版的頁面都變樣了, 還是有很多句需要改正, 太費力了, 就這樣囉

2006-01-13 02:15:50 · answer #1 · answered by helen 7 · 0 0

回答內容限 2000 個字之內.. sorry, cannot help you.

2006-01-13 07:47:07 · answer #2 · answered by jos 6 · 0 0

Clarify meaning in the following paragraphs by revising sentence fragments, comma splices, fused sentences, problems with pronoun reference, awkward shifts, misplaced and dangling modifiers, and mixed and incomplete sentences. Most errors can be corrected in more than one way.
Many people who are physically challenged. They have accomplished much. (This proves that they are not “handicapped”.) Confined to wheelchairs, successful careers have been forged by Bob Sampson and Stephen Hawking. Despite Sampson’s muscular dystrophy, he has earned a law degree he has also worked for United Airlines for more than thirty years. Stephen Hawking (is) most famous for his book A Brief History of Time. Unable to speak, Hawkins’s voice synthesizer allows him to dictate his books and conduct public lectures. And teach mathematics classes at Cambridge University.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ann Adams, and Itzhak Perlman all refused let polio destroy their lives. Indeed, Roosevelt led the United States during two of the worst periods of its history as President. The Great Depression and World War Ⅱ. Reassured by his strong, firm voice, Roosevelt inspired hope and determination in the American people. Ann Adams, who was talented in art before polio paralyzed her, knew she had to continue to be one. (To have) retrained herself to draw with a pencil grasped in her teeth. She produces sketches of children and pets. (That was) turned into greeting cards. The profits from the cards sustained her. Roosevelt and Adams were stricken with polio when they were adults: Itzhak Perlman when a child. He was unable to play sports (;) instead he studied the violin, now many think he is greater than any violinist in the world.

2006-01-13 03:40:21 補充:
Matlin has had excellent acting roles in movies, plays, and television programs (;) indeed she won an Oscar for Children of a (lesser) God.

2006-01-12 22:38:10 · answer #3 · answered by Sharon 6 · 0 0

澄清意思在這下面段落以修訂句子碎片, 逗點連接, 裝有保險絲的句子, 問題和代名詞提及, 不靈活移動, 放錯地方和搖擺修正, 和摻雜和不完全的句子. 最多的失誤能在大於單向改正.有很多人誰身體上地被挑戰. 他們完成了許多的. 哪個證明他們不是  “殘障的”. 限制在輪椅,成功的職業被跳躍舞辛普生穩步前進了和斯蒂芬利用鷹行獵. 儘管辛普生的肌肉萎縮症,他賺了法律度數他有也工作為了聯合的航空公司大於30年. 斯蒂芬利用鷹行獵最以他的書摘要歷史的時間而聞名. 不能說話,利用鷹行獵的聲音合成器允許他口述他的書和引導公開演講. 和講授數學班級在劍撟大學.鄉紳D.羅斯福,安亞當斯,和Itzhak Perlman完全拒絕讓小兒麻痺症破壞他們的生命. 實在,羅斯福引導美國的時間2的最壞的時期它的歷史當做總統. 大蕭條和世界大戰  Ⅱ. Reassured旁邊他的強壯的,公司聲音,羅斯福鼓舞希望和決心在美國的人人. 安亞當斯,誰被有才能在裡面的藝術之前小兒麻痺症癱瘓她的,知道她必須繼續到是1. 有retrained她自己到提取和鉛筆抓住在她的牙齒. 她生產略圖的孩子和寵物. 那被轉動進入賀年片. 得益於卡支撐她的. 羅斯福和亞當斯被打他們是成人的和小兒麻痺症: Itzhak孩子的Perlman. 他是不能到玩有關運動的,代替他學習小提琴,現在許多的想他是大於任何小提琴家在這個世界.

2006-01-12 19:52:23 · answer #4 · answered by 銘哥 7 · 0 0

澄清意思在以下段由校正句子片段、逗號接合、被熔化的有代詞參考的句子、問題, 笨拙轉移、錯放的和搖晃的修飾詞, 和被混合的和殘缺不全的句子。多數錯誤可能被改正在更多比單程。完全挑戰的許多人。他們完成了。哪些證明, 他們"不被妨礙" 。限制對輪椅, 成功的事業由鮑伯・Sampson 和斯蒂芬・Hawking 偽造了。儘管Sampson 的肌肉營養失調, 他贏得了他並且工作了為聯合航空公司超過三十年的一個法律學位。斯蒂芬・Hawking 最著名為他的書時間的簡要的歷史。無法講話, Hawking 的語音合成器允許他口授他的書和舉辦公開演講。並且教數學課在劍橋大學。富蘭克林・D. 羅斯福, 安・亞當斯, 和Itzhak Perlman 全部拒絕了讓小兒痲痺症毀壞他們的生活。的確, 羅斯福帶領了美國在二它的歷史的最壞的期間期間作為總統。巨大消沉和世界大戰? 。由他強, 牢固的聲音、羅斯福被_發的希望和決心再保險在美國人。安・亞當斯, 是有天才的在藝術在小兒痲痺症痲痺了她之前, 知道她必須繼續是一個。被再培訓畫與鉛筆被掌握在她的牙裡。她導致孩子和寵物剪影。那把變成賀卡。贏利從卡片承受了她。羅斯福和亞當斯被觸擊了以小兒痲痺症當他們是成人: Itzhak Perlman 當孩子。他無法演奏體育, 反而他學習了小提琴, 許多現在認為他大於任一位小提琴手在世界上。

2006-01-12 18:31:40 · answer #5 · answered by KD 5 · 0 0

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