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2005-12-23 19:26:02 · 6 個解答 · 發問者 嘉嘉 2 in 社會與文化 語言

6 個解答

蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet

2005-12-23 19:27:00 · answer #1 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


你不會看見他們翻salted brittle biscuit,baked pie,wrapped tortilla...一樣

2005-12-23 22:54:39 · answer #2 · answered by jjkendy 6 · 0 0

最多就跟豆腐(do fu)的拼法一樣...
oh ah gene..

2005-12-23 19:27:59 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

 a.. 蚵仔煎  Oys! ter omeletb.. 棺材板  Coffinc.. 臭豆腐  Stinky tofud.. 油豆腐  Oily bean curde.. 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curdf.. 天婦羅  Tenpurag.. 蝦片   Prawn crackerh.. 蝦球   Shrimp ballsi.. 春捲   Spring rollsj.. 雞捲   Chicken rollsk.. 碗糕   Salty rice puddingl.. 筒仔米糕 Rice tube puddingm.. 紅豆糕  Red bean caken.. 綠豆糕  Bean paste cakeo.. 豬血糕  Pigs blood cakep.. 糯米糕  Glutinous rice cakesq.. 芋頭糕  Taro caker.. 肉圓   Taiwanese Meatballss.. 水晶餃  Pyramid dumplingst.. 肉丸   Rice-meat dumplingsu.. 蘿蔔糕  Fried white radish pattyv.. 豆干   Dried tofu

2005-12-23 19:27:40 · answer #4 · answered by 水漾ㄉ春愁 7 · 0 0

蚵仔煎的英文 ---- Oyster omelet




a... 稀飯   Rice porridge

b... 白飯   Plain white rice

c... 油飯   Glutinous oil rice

d... 糯米飯  Glutinous rice

e... 滷肉飯  Braised pork rice

f... 蛋炒飯  Fried rice with egg

g... 地瓜粥  Sweet potato congee


a... 蚵仔煎  Oyster omelet

b... 棺材板  Coffin

c... 臭豆腐  Stinky tofu

d... 油豆腐  Oily bean curd

e... 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd

f... 天婦羅  Tenpura

g... 蝦片   Prawn cracker

h... 蝦球   Shrimp balls

i... 春捲   Spring rolls

j... 雞捲   Chicken rolls

k... 碗糕   Salty rice pudding

l... 筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding

m... 紅豆糕  Red bean cake

n... 綠豆糕  Bean paste cake

o... 豬血糕  Pigs blood cake

p... 糯米糕  Glutinous rice cakes

q... 芋頭糕  Taro cake

r... 肉圓   Taiwanese Meatballs

s... 水晶餃  Pyramid dumplings

t... 肉丸   Rice-meat dumplings

u... 蘿蔔糕  Fried white radish patty

v... 豆干   Dried tofu


a... 餛飩麵  Wonton & noodles

b... 刀削麵  Sliced noodles

c... 麻辣麵  Spicy hot noodles

d... 麻醬麵  Sesame paste noodles

e... 鴨肉麵  Duck with noodles

f... 鵝肉麵  Goose with noodles

g... 鱔魚麵  Eel noodles

h... 烏龍麵  Seafood noodles

i... 蚵仔麵線 Oyster thin noodles

j... 板條   Flat noodles

k... 米粉   Rice noodles

l... 炒米粉  Fried rice noodles

m... 冬粉   Green bean noodle

n... 榨菜肉絲麵  Pork , pickled mustard green noodles


a... 魚丸湯  Fish ball soup

b... 貢丸湯  Meat ball soup

c... 蛋花湯  Egg & vegetable soup

d... 蛤蜊湯  Clams soup

e... 蚵仔湯  Oyster soup

f... 紫菜湯  Seaweed soup

g... 酸辣湯  Sweet & sour soup

h... 餛飩湯  Wonton soup

i... 豬腸湯  Pork intestine soup

j... 肉羹湯  Pork thick soup

k... 花枝湯  Squid soup

l... 花枝羹  Squid thick soup


a... 綿綿冰  Mein mein ice

b... 麥角冰  Oatmeal ice

c... 地瓜冰  Sweet potato ice

d... 八寶冰  Eight treasures ice

e... 豆花   Tofu pudding

f... 紅豆牛奶冰  Red bean with milk ice


a... 愛玉   Vegetarian gelatin

b... 糖葫蘆  Tomatoes on sticks

c... 長壽桃  Longevity Peaches

d... 芝麻球  Glutinous rice sesame balls

e... 麻花   Hemp flowers

f... 雙胞胎  Horse hooves

2005-12-23 19:27:08 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet下面這個網頁還有其他小吃的英文名稱喔^^"http://home.kimo.com.tw/steventaiwan/eng_learn/food.htm

2005-12-23 19:27:01 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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