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Any history of coffee should begin with a goatherd named Kaldi, who, according to legend, lived in Ethiopia some time around the ninth century. Noticing his flock dancing about after eating some red berries, Kaldi decided to try a few himself.藍色部分我知道是關係代名詞的用法,可是好像又跟常見的形容詞子句不太一樣。who後面的according to legend是形容Kaldi的嗎?那後面的lived in Ethiopia......也是關代嗎?還是說是同位語?到底那是什麼結構好複雜喔,拜託文法高手幫忙!紅字的地方是個分詞,可是前面句子與這個分詞好像沒有什麼關聯,這是什麼文法?翻譯出來這兩句話會怎麼用中文連接?

2005-12-20 14:02:33 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 lian 7 in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

Kaldi, who, according to legend, lived in Ethiopia some time around the ninth century.
換句話就是: According to legend, Kaldi lived in Ethiopia some time around the ninth century. 清楚一點沒有?

who後面的according to legend 和 lived in Ethiopia是形容Kaldi的, 沒錯.
according to legend 的部分意思是說: 那位叫Kaldi的牧羊人在19世紀時居住於Ethiopia 是根據傳說來說的.

Noticing 暗示著這個字之前是有一個 "he", 也暗示著與跟著的句子有"因為/所以"的關係. 整句的開頭是:
He noticed his flock dancing about after eating some red berries, so Kaldi decided to try a few himself.
任何關於咖啡的歷史應該有一位名為Kaldi的牧羊人開始. 根據傳說, Kaldi在19世紀時居住於Ethiopia. 他發現他的羊群吃過了一些紅色的果子之後就開始跳起舞來, 所以他確定要讓自己試試看.

Hope it helped on time ^ ^

2005-12-20 14:50:22 · answer #1 · answered by ? 2 · 0 0

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