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What is art?
According to one definition, it is the creation of something that appeals to our sense of beauty.
This definition may include painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture, or performing arts such as music and drama.
Cultural and historical influences, as well as one’s own perception of what is aesthetically pleasing, play a role in what one believes to be art.
To some people, art is the depiction of an object-a painting or sculpture of a person, for example.
For others, art may be a blank canvas, or a piece of chalk.

In order to talk about the different artistic styles that have existed over time, art historians have classified these styles into different periods and organized them in chronological order.

The works of art produced within each period mirror the culture and events of that time.

According to some, Creed’s work explores the relationship between art, reality, and life.
It is also thought to challenge the material value of traditional art.
Creed believes that by using everyday objects, his work gains no monetary value-unlike paintings that might eventually sell for mllions.
While this explanation helps us understand the message Creed and other conceptual artists make with their work, the question remains-is it art?

2005-12-07 08:41:46 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

那些叫別人幫他做功課的問題實不足取, 你很不錯, 翻譯的也不錯,字對字的翻譯不叫翻譯, 適當的文化轉移對翻譯是必要的 , 這是我的看法, 所以我的版本如下, 我的版本給你參考. ----------------RJ
What is art? According to one definition, it is the creation of something that appeals to our sense of beauty.This definition may include painting, drawing, sculpture, and architecture, or performing arts such as music and drama.
什麼是藝術 ? 參考有關的定義是這麼說的: 所有被創造出來令我們感覺真,善,美的事物,我們可以統稱其為藝術 。這包含油畫、素描、雕刻和建築,或是演奏藝術,像是音樂和戲劇演奏等等。
Cultural and historical influences, as well as one's own perception of what is aesthetically pleasing, play a role in what one believes to be art. To some people, art is the depiction of an object-a painting or sculpture of a person, for example. For others, art may be a blank canvas, or a piece of chalk.
文化背景,歷史影響與某個人的好惡, 對於藝術的認知都扮演著一定的影響.
比方說, 對某些人而言,藝術是一幅畫或一個人的雕塑。對其它人而言,藝術可以只是空白的畫布或是一塊白蝁(石灰石).
In order to talk about the different artistic styles that have existed over time, art historians have classified these styles into different periods and organized them in chronological order.The works of art produced within each period mirror the culture and events of that time.
According to some, Creed's work explores the relationship between art, reality, and life. It is also thought to challenge the material value of traditional art. Creed believes that by using everyday objects, his work gains no monetary value-unlike paintings that might eventually sell for mllions. 根據這一些, Creed 的作品即是在探討藝術、現實和生活三者之間的關係,同時也有一些挑戰物質價值,與傳統藝術的. Creed 認為, 利用一些每天都在使用物件所做的東西不值什麼錢,不像畫作也許最終也能賣出幾百萬元!
While this explanation helps us understand the message Creed and other conceptual artists make with their work, the question remains-is it art?
而這個有關藝術的解釋, 幫助我們了解 Creed 和其它概念性藝術家工作者與他們的作品所要表達的. 但是問題仍然還是 ... 這就是藝術嗎?

2005-12-07 12:07:55 · answer #1 · answered by RJ 3 · 0 0

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