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不須太艱深的字句 純口語敘述
期待越高 失落越大
愛的越多 傷害越深
瞭解越多 打擊越大
生命中屬於我的 總有一天會在我面前 如果不出現也是我的宿命
不是我的 我想再多的牽制與守候 綁不住也關不住靈魂
對於我的情緒用語與侵犯你的隱私 向你說聲對不起
我想靜靜的 讓你走 讓你活在你的自由
我對你的恨 就交給時間慢慢的

我會用我的真心 等待一顆屬於我的心
用你的方式 找到一個適合你的女孩

2005-12-05 17:57:40 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

天天反覆的思考著相同的問題I kept thinking the same question over and over again everyday.我想告訴你I just want to tell you...這次我真的該放手了Perhaps I should really let you go this time.我心中的恨把我逼到了角落The bitterness in my heart had chased into the corner我痛苦你也不好受You won't feel that much better if I am in pain.我的期待加重了你的負擔My expetations added weight to your load.我的敏銳讓你喘不過氣My sharpness had let you breathless.你蠢動的心讓我沒安全感Your moving heart has left me no safety.我期待能有一段穩定的感情I wish I can have a stable relationship.有一個安全的歸宿To have a safe return when I am tired.有一個能保護我呵護我的肩膀To have a shoulder that I can lean on.期待越高 失落越大When one wishes more and the sarrow grows deeper愛的越多 傷害越深When one loves more, the wound is deeper.瞭解越多 打擊越大When we know each other better, the hit is greater.我們的想法與準則不同吧Perhaps we have different thoughts and rules toward life.或許我們真的不適合彼此Perhpas we are not really suited for each other.只是以愛為名的拉扯牽制We just use the name of love to drag each other.我歡喜做我願毫無保留I like to do so. I really want to hold nothing back.但我不能甘願受我也無法再受打擊But I can't take the pain any more.只好把自己的心防衛的更好I can only better guard my heart.生命中屬於我的 總有一天會在我面前 如果不出現也是我的宿命My Mr. Right will someday show up in front of me. If there is not a Mr. Right, that will be my destiny.不是我的 我想再多的牽制與守候 綁不住也關不住靈魂You are not mine. I will not be able to trap you with my waiting and hold up.對於我的情緒用語與侵犯你的隱私 向你說聲對不起I want to apologize for things I said that invated your privacy.我想靜靜的 讓你走 讓你活在你的自由I just want to let you go and let you live in your own freedom. I just want to have peace with myself.我對你的愛我不曾也不會後悔About my love to you, I never regreted and never will.我對你的恨 就交給時間慢慢的About my bitterness toward you, I will leave it to the time task.一點一滴的消耗掉吧Let it burn out bits by bits.我會用我的真心 等待一顆屬於我的心I will wait whole-heartedly for that heart that belongs to me.也祝福你I also want to wish you用你的方式 找到一個適合你的女孩Use your method, find a girl that is suitable for you.

2005-12-05 18:59:23 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Repeated thinking the same problem I is it tell you I should go all out I is it is it get me agony , I of corner , you feel better I either to force to hating in the heart really this time to want everyday Expectation make there aren't you the hearts where you wriggles not breathless One can protect the shoulder that I took good care of me and expect to be the higher in the home The more ones that lose great love are Injure the more understanding deeply It attack big ideas of we different from criterion we not getting unsuitable and getting getting taking liking as name to it is pin down more I like not making more just each more other really perhaps I can willing to either unable to is it have to is it belong to I to hit carefully what one's own heart defend to attack again I have Will be in front of me one day in the future If it is that my destiny is not mine not to appear I think of more pinning down and waiting Tie and can not close soul mood term and personal secrets of infringing you to me too It is sorry to say to you I want to be silent Let you leave Let you living freedom I in you love of you I can regret between I and your hating either never correctly Lose the sincerity that I will use me for the consumption of the every little bit slowly Wait for the way in which a heart which belongs to me wishes you to use you too Find a girl suitable for you

2005-12-07 17:51:48 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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