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2005-12-01 18:07:24 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 lian 7 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

懸吊分詞(dangling participle)是不正確的或不恰當的英文,你應該要學著去避免使用,而不是問在什麼情況下使用!試舉例說明:中文說:進房時燈被打開,如果你英文寫成:(When) entering the room, the light was turned on.這個時候會產生語意的混淆:倒底是誰進房?依照句子來看,只有燈這個名詞,難不成燈進房嗎?這種語意含混的分詞(entering),就叫做懸吊分詞!這句話應改成:When he entered the room, the light was turned on.或:(When) entering the room, he found that the light was turned on.(這時entering不會產生語意的混淆,因為它所說的就是後面的主詞he,是"他"走進房,他發覺燈被打開)很多人在寫作時都會犯這個毛病(即使是老外也是如此),所以一旦曉得這個觀念的話,日後寫做就應該要儘量避免了!

2005-12-02 09:09:51 · answer #1 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

有些特定的懸吊分詞是允許的, 例如:
Judging by/from.......
assuming that.....
provided that.....
considering that....
taking....for example,....

2013-12-08 12:06:45 補充:
generally speaking,....

2013-12-08 06:59:12 · answer #2 · answered by 羅莉 7 · 0 0

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