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請問可以幫我這個英文笨蛋翻譯嗎??>"< 感激不盡~~~

2005-11-24 18:18:24 · 5 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

5 個解答

1.死亡不是結束,而是生命的中斷和另一個開始Death is not an ending, but an intermission before the beginning of a new life.2.人死後並不就此消失,而是進入另一個比今生更好的永恆生命People don't vanish upon death, but enter a better, eternal new life.3.生人的悲傷將會過去,留下的是永恆的美好回憶The sorrow of the living will pass, leaving eternally graceful memories.4.死亡是今世和後世的分界點Death is a demarcation between the present life and the after life.5.記憶深刻的葬禮;永恆難忘的人A memorable funeral; an enternally unforgettable person.6.彼此存在是種幸福 Mutual existence is a bliss.

2005-11-24 23:17:29 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

The death is not a be over, but the interruption and another beginning of the life.
2.Don't disappear now after person die, but enter another better and eternal than this present life life.
The sorrow of the stranger will pass by, what to leave is an eternal and fine recollection.
The death is the boundary of the present life and future generations to order.
Remember the deep burial rites;Eternal and unforgettable person.
The existence grows the happiness each other.

2005-11-26 20:03:44 · answer #2 · answered by 阿 暴 2 · 0 0

1.死亡不是結束,而是生命的中斷和另一個開始1.The death is not a be over, but the interruption and another beginning of the life 2.人死後並不就此消失,而是進入另一個比今生更好的永恆生命2.Don't disappear now after person die, but enter another better and eternal than this present life life 3.生人的悲傷將會過去,留下的是永恆的美好回憶3.The sorrow of the stranger will pass by, what to leave is an eternal and fine recollection 4.死亡是今世和後世的分界點4.The death is the boundary of the present life and future generations to order 5.記憶深刻的葬禮;永恆難忘的人5.Remember the deep burial rites;Eternal and unforgettable person 6.彼此存在是種幸福 6.The existence grows the happiness each other

2005-11-24 18:46:49 · answer #3 · answered by ? 5 · 0 0

Death is not an end,and it's an interval and another beginning of life.
Men don't disappear after death,and entering into a better eternal life than this generation.
The sorrow of living will pass,what leaves is the beautiful memory of The Eterity.
Death is a dividing point between this generation and the next one.
A deeply-remembered funeral: a man with eternal life
Existing with each other is a kind of happiness.

2005-11-24 18:45:42 · answer #4 · answered by Jiang 3 · 0 0

1.Death is not the end but a pausing of life and another start.
2.People don't disappeared after death, but enter a better life than this for ever.
3.Living people's sorrow will pass, and the thing that leave is good memory for ever.
4.Death is the demarcation of this live and the coming life.
5.Memorable funeral, the person hard to forget for ever.
6.Each other's existing is a happyness.


2005-11-24 18:39:00 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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