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2005-11-24 07:53:39 · 4 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

4 個解答

拇指thumb食指 fore finger ; index finger中指middle finger小指little finger無名指third finger ; ring finger( body parts )頭head頭髮hair眉毛eyebrow眼睛eye鼻nose耳朵ear面頰 cheek酒窩dimple鬍鬚beard髯whiskers髭mustache嘴mouth嘴唇 lip牙齒tooth舌頭tongue下頷chin顎jaw頸neck肩shoulder手臂arm肘elbow手腕 wrist手hand 手掌palm手指finger拇指thumb食指 fore finger ; index finger中指middle finger小指little finger無名指third finger ; ring finger指甲finger nail拳頭fist 胸chest 乳房breast腰waist腹 abdomen ; belly臀部hips ; buttocks大腿thigh小腿 lower leg ; shin膝蓋 knee cap ; patella膝knee 腳foot腳跟heel腳趾toe大趾 hallux toe ; big toe中趾middle toe二趾second toe無名趾 nameless toe ; fourth toe小趾little toe 

2005-11-24 07:56:56 · answer #1 · answered by ? 7 · 0 0

in the US, the little finger is also called pinkie or pinky

2005-11-24 10:18:20 · answer #2 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

thumb 大拇指
the first finger 食指
middle finger 中指
ring finger 無名指
little finger 小指

2005-11-24 07:59:34 · answer #3 · answered by 雲龍 2 · 0 0

食指 : a forefinger; the index finger; the first finger
中指 : [Anatomy] a medius; a middle finger
無名指 : a ring finger
小指 : little finger

2005-11-24 07:59:05 · answer #4 · answered by jin 1 · 0 0

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