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2005-11-21 09:14:04 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

今天我所要講的是有關於我媽媽的事,她是一個相當迷信的人,有時侯我真受不了她,Today I would like to talk about my mother.  She is a very superstitious person.  Sometimes I just can't stand her.舉例來說,有一次我耳朵痛,我去告訴她說"媽!我耳朵好痛",For example, I had an earache once.  When I told her, "Mom, my ear hurts really bad!"我本來以為她會告訴我說"那你要快點去看醫生啊"但我得到的答案卻是"那都是因為你平時都不拜拜",I expected her to tell me, "You better go to a doctor soon!"  To my surprise, her answer was, "That's because you never pray!"天啊!生病用拜拜就會好嗎?God!  Can praying cures sickness?而且我每跟他去拜拜時,總是有一個阿姨本來很正常的與我們交談,但不到一下子,又給變成一個小孩子,聲音,表情,動作,都好像變成了另一個人,Besides that, whenever I go to the temple with her, there is always some lady who would be having a normal conversation with us, then all of a sudden behaving and speaking like a child, like a completely different person.每次只要她說的話,不管對或錯,我媽都會我去做...真希望我媽不要迷信下去了Whatever she would say, right or wrong, my mother would expect me to do.  I really wish that my mom would stop being superstitious.

2005-11-21 09:46:46 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0

Today I will be talking about my mother being superstitutious. She is a very superstitutious person, and sometimes I cannot stand her. Once when I had an earache, I told her that I felt pain in my ear and expecting her to tell me to go and see a doctor; instead she replied "it must be that you don't worship the gods." God, would worshipping the gods heal any illness? Everytime I go to the temple to worship her gods with her, there's a woman who would talk to us normally one minute, but she would become a different person the next minute, and talks and behaves like a child. My mother would firmly believes what the woman said no matter it is right or wrong, and ask me to obey the woman as well. I really hope that my mother can learn not to be overly superstitutious.

2005-11-21 09:30:20 · answer #2 · answered by jos 6 · 0 0

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