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1.給摩托車加油 ,請造句喔
2.替某人鼓勵,加油,是像瑞奇馬丁唱的go, go, go,alley嗎

2005-11-18 12:22:32 · 7 個解答 · 發問者 ? 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2.精神上ㄉ加油,例如: 加油吧,Mark.

2005-11-18 12:35:42 · update #1

7 個解答

1. to gas (feul) the motorcycle up給交通工具加油,真的就是把液體的油加入油箱裡,沒有抽象的意思,這麼說就可以了。Re:2005-11-18 17:35:42 Please feul up my motorcycle (car) with 92 leadfree gas.2. to cheer somebody up但是如果要給某人鼓舞,那就用這個片語,雖然中文都說加油,但是在英文中,兩者不互通。Re:2005-11-18 17:35:42 Cheer up, Mark!

2005-11-18 12:23:50 · answer #1 · answered by Jeff Chen 7 · 0 0


2006-08-01 00:11:45 · answer #2 · answered by Angie Mom 1 · 0 0

gas [常用字]
(pl. gases, gasses)
1 a. 氣態
b. 氣體
2 氣體燃料; 天然氣; 瓦斯
3 汽油
4 油門
Step on the gas. 踩油門
5 毒氣; 毒瓦斯
6 氣態麻醉劑 (如氧化亞氮)
7 a. 腸胃脹氣
b. 腸胃中的脹氣
8 ((俚語)) 空談; 吹噓
9 ((俚語)) 令人興奮愉快的事; 帶來歡樂的人
The party was a gas. 這場舞會真是令人興奮
gas tanks 瓦斯槽
gas stoves 瓦斯爐
(gass.ed, gass.ing, gas.es (gas.ses))
1 以瓦斯做化學處理
2 以毒氣攻擊
1 發散氣體 (瓦斯, 毒氣等)
2 ((俚語)) 多話; 瞎扯
gas up
加瓦斯; 加油
gas up a car
gassed up before the trip 旅行前先加油

oil [基本字彙]
1 油
2 a. 石油
b. 提煉出來的油 (例如潤滑油, 機油等)
3 油狀物
4 油畫顏料
5 油畫
6 恭維; 諂媚
(oiled, oil.ing, oils)
塗油; 加油; 上油
oil (someone's) hand (palm)
1 (向人) 賄賂
an attorney who tried to oil the judge's hand in order to obtain a
directed verdict favorable to his client試圖賄賂法官以求得對其當事人
2 給小費
oiled the headwaiter's palm 給服務生領班小費

(re.fueled, (英)-elled; re.fu.el.ing, (英)-el.ling)
1 給…加燃料, 再供以燃料
2 使…火上加油, 為…加油
加燃料, 加油

2005-11-18 15:45:30 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

1.給摩托車加油就用fuel(fuel up)就行了。
ex: 有些飛機能在空中加油,這真令人吃驚。
It's amazing that some planes can fuel up in mid air.
2.給某人鼓勵、加油可用keep going
加油,馬克。 keep going, Mark.

2005-11-18 13:51:43 · answer #4 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0


2005-11-18 13:13:01 · answer #5 · answered by ? 3 · 0 0

1. feul 加燃料
vt- We feuled the motorcycle.
2. encourage 鼓勵
vt- To encourange a man to work harder.
1. Please feul it/the motorcycle of gas 92.
2. Good luck! Mark.--最簡單就說這句就好了
我精神上支持你-- I will support you encouragingly through/with my spirit.

2005-11-18 12:52:16 · answer #6 · answered by Bonnie 3 · 0 0

1.fuel up the motor
2.go for it

2005-11-18 12:23:57 · answer #7 · answered by Mikoshino 7 · 0 0

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