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David W. Griffith

Plot Summary for
Intolerance: Love's Struggle Through the Ages (1916)
Intolerance and its terrible effects are examined in four historical eras. In
ancient Babylon, a mountain girl is caught up in the religious rivalry that leads
to the city's downfall. In Judea, the hypocritical Pharisees condemn Jesus
Christ. In 1572 Paris,unaware of the impending St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre,
two young Huguenots prepare for marriage. Finally, in modern America,
social reformers destroy the lives of a young woman and her beloved.


From:International Movie Data Base
Summary written by Erik Gregersen
1.Auguste Lumiere/Louis Lumiere
2.West Side Story
4.The Only Journey of His Life

2005-11-10 18:04:47 · 1 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

1 個解答

David W. GriffithPlot Summary forIntolerance: Love's Struggle Through the Ages (1916)偏執的密謀案:這些年來的愛情悲劇 (1916)Intolerance and its terrible effects are examined in four historical eras.在歷史中有四個時期可以檢視出對某件事的偏執以及所帶來的悲慘影響 In ancient Babylon, a mountain girl is caught up in the religious rivalry that leads to the city's downfall.在古代的巴比倫,因為一個住在山上的女孩在一場宗教抗爭中被抓而導致巴比倫的滅亡 In Judea, the hypocritical Pharisees condemn Jesus Christ.在猶太,激進的法利塞人宣判主耶穌有罪 In 1572 Paris,unaware of the impending St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre,two young Huguenots prepare for marriage.在1572年的巴黎,兩個胡格諾教徒不理會聖巴薩羅繆節(一個猶太人的節日)大屠殺而去準備結婚 Finally, in modern America,social reformers destroy the lives of a young woman and her beloved.最後,在現代的美國,社會革命家毀滅了一個年輕女子和他愛人的生活From:International Movie Data Base取自:國際電影資料庫Summary written by Erik Gregersen簡介編輯:Erik Gregersen因為我是外國人,以下這幾個我不知道台灣怎麼翻,希望你見諒1.Auguste Lumiere/Louis Lumiere這是兩個電影人的名字,相關資料請看一下連結 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lumiere2.West Side Story西城故事3.Psycho發瘋4.The Only Journey of His Life 他生命中唯一的旅程自己翻的,希望你看得懂

2005-11-15 11:50:10 補充:
如過你想知道更多的有關於那節日的事情可以參考以下網站 http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/13333b.htm 希望對你有幫助

2005-11-14 18:03:03 · answer #1 · answered by Mikoshino 7 · 0 0

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