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It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid,without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the otehr hand,there is no other animal,however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same


2005-11-08 16:41:15 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 Anonymous in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

這段文章是笛卡爾的一篇文章 Animals are Machines節錄出來的。出自於哲學家之筆,所以原文與譯文都非常拗口。原文可從以下所附網址找到。勒奈·笛卡爾(René Descartes,另譯笛卡兒,1596年3月31日生於法國土倫省萊耳市-1650年2月11日逝於瑞典斯德哥爾摩),法國哲學家、數學家、物理學家。他對現代數學的發展做出了重要的貢獻,因將幾何坐標體系公式化而被認為是解析幾何之父。他還是西方現代哲學思想的奠基人,他的哲學思想深深影響了之後的幾代歐洲人,創立了「歐陸理性主義」(Continental Rationalism)哲學。It is a very remarkable fact that there are none so depraved and stupid, without even excepting idiots, that they cannot arrange different words together, forming of them a statement by which they make known their thoughts; while, on the other hand, there is no other animal, however perfect and fortunately circumstanced it may be, which can do the same.這是一個很明顯的事實,即使不把白痴除外,也沒有一個人如此墮落且愚笨無比,以致於不會把不同的字加以排列,組合成一段聲明,來表達他們的思想。從另一方面來看,世界上也沒有一種動物像人類一樣的完美與幸運,具備思考與表達的能力。笛卡爾畫像

2005-11-08 16:47:07 · answer #1 · answered by 菜英文 7 · 0 0

這是一個非常卓越的事實有無因此腐敗和愚笨, 沒有除了蠢貨, 他們無法一起安排不同的詞, 形成他們他們傳達他們的想法的聲明; 當, 在otehr 手, 沒有其它動物, 然而完善和幸運地circumstanced 它可以是, 能做同樣

2005-11-08 16:48:56 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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