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雪莉:嗯~~~~我希望我以後的房子就像韓劇的『Full House』那樣,客廳寬敞舒適,設計簡單大方,又呈現可愛氣息,充滿愛的感覺,而且外面有一個大庭院,面臨海邊,感覺真的很不錯,那你呢??

2005-11-07 19:32:54 · 2 個解答 · 發問者 duck 2 in 社會與文化 語言

2 個解答

Dacy:你看,好漂亮的房子喔,裝潢擺設都好漂亮喔!!Look!  What a beautiful huse.  The furnishings are gorgeous!!你看那紅色大沙發看起來舒服又時尚。That large red sofa looks comfortable and fashionable.雪莉:真的嗎?我看看喔!!真的很漂亮耶!!可是我不喜歡鵝黃色的牆壁,因為和紅色沙發不太相配。Shirley:  Really?  Let me see!!  It's really pretty.  I don't like the pastel yellow wall though.  It does go with the red sofa.Dacy:會嗎?可是我絕得很漂亮耶~~要不然你有想過你未來的房子是怎樣的style嗎??You think?  I think they look good together.  Have you thought of the style for your future home?雪莉:嗯~~~~我希望我以後的房子就像韓劇的『Full House』那樣,客廳寬敞舒適,設計簡單大方,又呈現可愛氣息,充滿愛的感覺,而且外面有一個大庭院,面臨海邊,感覺真的很不錯,那你呢??Well, I hope my future home will look like the one in the Korean soap, "Full House," with a large, comfortable living room and a simple but elegant design that feels nice and loving.  I also want a big yard with an ocean view.  That sounds pretty good.  How about you?Dacy:嗯~~你理想中的房子聽起來很不錯呢!!可是我理想中的房子和你的不太一樣,我理想中的房子小巧又可愛,看起來很有家的感覺,我希望我以後房子的色系採暖色系,這樣看起來很溫暖。對了!!我以後房子的家俱採可愛風,外面有庭院,可以種很多水果。Hmm.  Your dream house sounds great!!  But mine is different.  My dream house will be small, cozy and homey.  I would have warm colors for the warmness feeling.  Oh, and the furnitures will be adorable and I would grow lots of fruits in the yard.雪莉:聽起來也很有自己的風格耶!!對了~~進你房子有什麼規定嗎??Sounds like you have quite your own style!!  Oh, yeah, would there be any special rules to enter your house?Dacy:我不喜歡別人在我家裡抽煙和穿鞋進屋內,如果這樣的話,我會打掃得很辛苦。那你呢??I don't like people smoking or wearing shoes in my house.  That just adds some much more work.  How about you?雪莉:我也不喜歡別人在我家抽煙、大吼大叫和亂丟垃圾。I don't like people smoking in my house either, or yelling and littering.Dacy:喔~~原來如此,那我以後去你家就不能大吼大叫嚕~~ Oh, I see.  I will try not to yelling too much when I go to your house.

2005-11-07 20:15:55 · answer #1 · answered by bc 7 · 0 0


2005-11-07 19:57:52 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

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